mwpennell / arbutus

Assessing the adequacy of phylogenetic models of quantitative trait evolution
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Extraction of ML and REML s2 estimates from gls models #9

Open richfitz opened 10 years ago

richfitz commented 10 years ago

Issue by richfitz from Wednesday Dec 04, 2013 at 05:39 GMT Originally opened as

I've taken a shot at this (see 79c2650), but I'm not sure that things are correct.

phy <-,0), max.taxa=100)
tx <- sim.character(phy, 1)
ty <- sim.character(phy, 1) + 3
data <- data.frame(x=tx, y=ty, row.names=names(tx))   <- gls(y ~ x, data, corBrownian(1, phy), method="ML") <- gls(y ~ x, data, corBrownian(1, phy), method="REML")

# Likelihood function for the same model <- make.pgls(phy, y ~ x, data)

# Extract s2 from the fitted object and <- arbutus:::estimate.sigma2.gls(
s2.reml <- arbutus:::estimate.sigma2.gls( <- c(coef(,

# Run a ML fit with diversitree <- find.mle(,

n <-$dims$N # 100, or length(phy$tip.label)
k <-$dims$p # 2, or length(coef(
s2 <- coef([[3]] # diversitree's s2 estimate

# Not the same as that from arbutus, and half way between REML and ML estimates
s2 - c(, s2.reml)

# This is the relationship with the REML estimate
s2 * n / (n - (k - 1)) - s2.reml

which all suggests that in arbutus:::estimate.sigma2.gls() we should use (n - (k - 1)) / n as the scaling factor. This doesn't quite match my view of how these work, but I might be being dense.


(this depends on very recent versions of both arbutus and diversitree)

richfitz commented 10 years ago

Comment by mwpennell from Tuesday Dec 10, 2013 at 00:26 GMT

sorry i missed this one -- shouldn't have opened a new issue. i am not quite sure about why this is but the (n-(k-1))/n seems to be correct. i will change this.

richfitz commented 10 years ago

Comment by richfitz from Tuesday Dec 10, 2013 at 01:41 GMT

Yeah, it seems empirically to be correct. Is there any reference for this? I had a quick look through Felsenstein's book but didn't see much there.

richfitz commented 10 years ago

Comment by mwpennell from Tuesday Dec 10, 2013 at 02:32 GMT

i will go look this up. suspect if it is anywhere, it is in Blomberg's 2012 paper.