mwpowellhtx / BumpAssemblyVersions

A flexible way of Bumping Assembly Versions with a rich set of instructions how to do so.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pull dependencies forward #10

Open mwpowellhtx opened 1 month ago

mwpowellhtx commented 1 month ago

We started noticing BAV not seeming to work under VS2022 environents. Considering we are leaning on Microsoft.Build 15.9+, this seems not only plausible, but may also be not unexpected. Trying to gain some sort of acknowledgement, clarification, around the matter, what else to do about it. The simple response may be to pull the dependency chain forward a bit to latest versions. Around that effort, trying to gain clarification do we need to think about different projects for each of the different VS environments, 2017, 2019, 2022, for instance. For more information, see also dotnet/msbuild discussion; discord DotNetEvolution msbuild thread.

mwpowellhtx commented 1 month ago

Promoted discussion to 1C issue. Will see what sort of acknowledgement we can muster evaluating the issue.

mwpowellhtx commented 1 month ago

Somehow or other between generations of msbuild the disposition towards 3P integrations against internal targets, namely DispatchToInnerBuilds, has changed. Assuming we somehow can persuade msbuild to "just work" and do the right thing here, then perhaps we are fine.

The target "DispatchToInnerBuilds" listed in a BeforeTargets attribute at "L:\Source\Ellumination Technologies\xUnit.Fluently\master\src\packages\bumpassemblyversions\1.8.0\build\BumpAssemblyVersions.targets (39,68)" does not exist in the project, and will be ignored.

Still may want to pull forward the Microsoft.Build dependencies, however.