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Function for axis sharing #18

Closed jankaWIS closed 1 year ago

jankaWIS commented 1 year ago
          Will do/done. Thanks.

I have been now playing with the sharing. It has a problem with sharing an axis more than one so chaining the previous won't work. I have made the following workaround:

    if i>0:
        # sharey, take the before last axis and sharey with the last plotted one, cannot share 2 axis[i]).sharey([i-1])) 
        # need to rescale all axis[i]).autoscale()

        # remove ticks from shared y axes
        plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
        # remove ylabel

and I think it does the job but at the same time, I'm not 100 % sure that it won't break eventually, that the axis will have correct labels/ticks and scale. Could you please check?

Originally posted by @jankaWIS in

Following this issue/discussion that we had, would you be interested in adding this function to CanD? I guess it could be generalised further and also adapted.

def sharey(a, source):
    Takes axis a that we want to share with axis source. `Update correspondingly to the type of the passed arguments.

    a: str or matplotlib axis, axis that we want to be shared
    source: str or matplotlib axis, axis that will be the source of the scale and labels
    if isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(source, str):
        # sharey, take the first axis and sharey with the last plotted one
        # need to rescale all axis       
        # remove ticks from shared y axes
        plt.setp(, visible=False)
        # remove ylabel'')
    elif isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(source, str):
        # sharey, take the first axis and sharey with the last plotted one
        # need to rescale all axis        
        # remove ticks from shared y axes
        plt.setp(a.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
        # remove ylabel
        raise TypeError("Only strings or matplotlib axes are allowed types.")
mwshinn commented 1 year ago

I don't think this is a CanD issue: to share axes in matplotlib you have to share all the axes to the same one common axes, not chain them. CanD should not touch matplotlib's axis sharing features.