mwsobol / SORCER

Service-ORiented Computing EnviRonment - SORCER is a federated service-oriented system developed at the SORCER lab ( It allows to create and provision service providers in heterogeneous service cloud and execute service commands, called exertions, that in runtime create service federations in the service cloud that are managed by the SORCER operating system.
Apache License 2.0
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gradle distribution fails #5

Closed rafalkrupinski closed 7 months ago

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

Download :distribution:gatherDeps FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


mwsobol commented 9 years ago


Nie wiem co robisz, przed chwilą sprawdziłem - nie żadnego problemu. Ja pracuję w branch develop jak i moi studenci w mom wykładzie w PJATK, dzisiaj mam ostatni wykład. Przełączylem się do master i jest OK.

Pierwszy krok jest zbudowanie dystrybucji, bez tego nic nie działa. A więc bo sklonowaniu SORCER-a z gitHub:

  1. gradle dist
  2. gradlle bootSorcer
  3. gradle browser
  4. cd examples/sml
  5. gradle test
  6. gradle terminateSorcer

Template dla zrobienia service jest w examples/service Tutorials na project site:


On Jan 16, 2015, at 11:23 AM, Rafał Krupiński wrote:

Download :distribution:gatherDeps FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Where: Build file '/home/rufio/sorcer/SORCER/distribution/build.gradle' line: 119

What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':distribution:gatherDeps'.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':distribution:distribution'. Could not download artifact '' Failed to download resource ''.

Premature end of Content-Length delimited message body (expected: 26347449; received: 25144236

Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


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rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

gradle dist działa gradle distribution nie działa

mwsobol commented 9 years ago


To jest ten sam task, ja używam skrótu “dist".

On Jan 16, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Rafał Krupiński wrote:

gradle dist działa gradle distribution nie działa

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rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

To w takim razie gdzieś urywa, czasem distrybucja rio się ściąga, czasem nie. Paweł też to ma

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

Problem pojawia się w dalszym ciągu, nie mogę zbudować dystrybucji. Proszę o naprawienie

dreedyman commented 9 years ago

This is unreproducable for me. Although sometimes a retry is required. Additionally, you seem to be using an outdated version of the project, since the latest depends on Rio 5.1.2

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

When a retry isn't required? It would seem that rio distribution gets downloaded every time

dreedyman commented 9 years ago

The rio distribution does not get downloaded every time you build the sorcer distro, just if you do not have it. Once you have it, it just uses it.

rafalkrupinski commented 9 years ago

Sounds reasonable, only it never actually managed to build. I can download the file manually, maybe you could tell me where to put it?

mwsobol commented 7 years ago

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