Show example of running a classifier against the alert database.
[ ] For people who only want to run against the DB
[ ] For people who want to develop and test their classifier against the DB and then deploy it against the live stream.
Use case. I ahve a new classifier. I want to test it out against the events in the last months, with a little extra pre-filtering. I'd like to be able to develop and test against this subset of events from the database, and then deploy live with the same basic algorithmic code and as little wrapper change as possible.
Show example of running a classifier against the alert database.
Use case. I ahve a new classifier. I want to test it out against the events in the last months, with a little extra pre-filtering. I'd like to be able to develop and test against this subset of events from the database, and then deploy live with the same basic algorithmic code and as little wrapper change as possible.