mx3L / subssupport

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Which way is a proper way to init subssupport classes? #84

Open piniya opened 2 years ago

piniya commented 2 years ago

Hi, i made some small player with classic method self.session.playService(), and now i am trying to init subssupport classes into my player to download and load downloaded subtitles. Everything is great if the movie has no embedded subtitles. Subtitles are downloaded and loaded. But if the movie has embedded subtitles then the issue is that embedded stays on, downloaded are not loaded at all. Even if i change embeddedSupport=True args to False. Any idea why?

my example code:

from Plugins.Extensions.SubsSupport import SubsSupport, SubsSupportStatus, initSubsSettings

class my_player(Screen, SubsSupportStatus, SubsSupport):
    def __init__(self, session, player):
        Screen.__init__(self, session)

        SubsSupport.__init__(self, embeddedSupport=True, searchSupport=True)

        sref = eServiceReference(player, 0, "/path/.../)
       # etc ....
       # code for playing ...