mxcl / PromiseKit

Promises for Swift & ObjC.
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Xcode 10.2 error #1059

Closed wMellon closed 5 years ago

wMellon commented 5 years ago

Showing Recent Messages :-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int64 : Swift.SignedInteger in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Collection.isEmpty.getter : Swift.Bool

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.SetAlgebra< where A.ArrayLiteralElement == A.Element>.init(arrayLiteral: A.ArrayLiteralElement...) -> A

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol requirements base descriptor for Swift.IteratorProtocol

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getTupleTypeMetadata2

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.Collection in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Collection< where A.Iterator == Swift.IndexingIterator>.makeIterator() -> Swift.IndexingIterator

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.print(_: Any..., separator: Swift.String, terminator: Swift.String) -> ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.SignedInteger< where A: Swift.FixedWidthInteger>.init(A1) -> A

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Foundation.LocalizedError.recoverySuggestion.getter : Swift.String?

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Foundation.LocalizedError.errorDescription.getter : Swift.String?

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol descriptor for Foundation.LocalizedError

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject?

:-1: Undefined symbol: base conformance descriptor for Foundation.LocalizedError: Swift.Error

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.Error._userInfo.getter : Swift.AnyObject?

:-1: Undefined symbol: static (extension in Foundation):Swift.String._unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(__C.NSString?) -> Swift.String

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for Foundation.CocoaError.Code : Foundation._ErrorCodeProtocol in Foundation

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for Foundation.URLError.Code : Foundation._ErrorCodeProtocol in Foundation

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata accessor for Foundation.CocoaError.Code

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata accessor for Foundation.URLError.Code

:-1: Undefined symbol: -> A.Element?

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift._getErrorEmbeddedNSError(A) -> Swift.AnyObject?

:-1: Undefined symbol: static Foundation.CocoaError.userCancelled.getter : Foundation.CocoaError.Code

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.== infix<A, B where A: Swift.Equatable, B: Swift.Equatable>((A, B), (A, B)) -> Swift.Bool

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Foundation):Foundation.LocalizedError.helpAnchor.getter : Swift.String?

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Foundation):Foundation.LocalizedError.recoverySuggestion.getter : Swift.String?

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Foundation):Foundation.LocalizedError.failureReason.getter : Swift.String?

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Error._getEmbeddedNSError() -> Swift.AnyObject?

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Error._code.getter : Swift.Int

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence< where A.Element: Swift.Comparable>.sorted() -> [A.Element]

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes : Swift.SetAlgebra in Dispatch

:-1: Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of Swift.Collection.isEmpty.getter : Swift.Bool

:-1: Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of Swift.Collection.endIndex.getter : A.Index

:-1: Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of Swift.Collection.index(_: A.Index, offsetBy: Swift.Int) -> A.Index

:-1: Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of : (A.Index) -> A.Element

:-1: Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of Swift.Sequence.makeIterator() -> A.Iterator

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness

:-1: Undefined symbol: dispatch thunk of -> A.Element?

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.Error._domain.getter : Swift.String

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Collection.first.getter : A.Element?

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift) throws -> A1) throws -> [A1]

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata for Swift.Int64

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol requirements base descriptor for Swift.Sequence

:-1: Undefined symbol: value witness table for Builtin.BridgeObject

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_once

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata for Swift.String

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol witness table for Swift.String : Swift.Equatable in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_isEscapingClosureAtFileLocation

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.sync(flags: Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags, execute: () throws -> A) throws -> A

:-1: Undefined symbol: (extension in Swift):Swift.Sequence.forEach((A.Element) throws -> ()) throws -> ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata accessor for (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.AutoreleaseFrequency

:-1: Undefined symbol: associated conformance descriptor for Swift.Sequence.Iterator: Swift.IteratorProtocol

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata accessor for (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes

:-1: Undefined symbol: static (extension in Dispatch):C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes.concurrent.getter : (extension in Dispatch):C.OS_dispatch_queue.Attributes

:-1: Undefined symbol: associated type descriptor for Element

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.assertionFailure(: Swift.StaticString, _: Swift.String, file: Swift.StaticString, line: Swift.UInt, flags: Swift.UInt32) -> Swift.Never

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_allocateGenericValueMetadata

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for Swift.Int : Swift.BinaryInteger in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJCCLASS$__TtCs12_SwiftObject

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.Hasher.combine(A) -> ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getWitnessTable

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.!== infix(Swift.AnyObject?, Swift.AnyObject?) -> Swift.Bool

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags : Swift.SetAlgebra in Dispatch

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getMetatypeMetadata

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.Hashable._rawHashValue(seed: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_initEnumMetadataMultiPayload

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.Hashable.hash(into: inout Swift.Hasher) -> ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: static (extension in Foundation):Foundation._ErrorCodeProtocol.~= infix(A, Swift.Error) -> Swift.Bool

:-1: Undefined symbol: base conformance descriptor for Swift.Hashable: Swift.Equatable

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for static Swift.Equatable.== infix(A, A) -> Swift.Bool

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol descriptor for Swift.Equatable

:-1: Undefined symbol: value witness table for Builtin.NativeObject

:-1: Undefined symbol: associated type descriptor for Iterator

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_dynamicCast

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getEnumCaseMultiPayload

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_allocateGenericClassMetadata

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol witness table for Swift.Int : Swift.CustomStringConvertible in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getGenericMetadata

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_unknownObjectRetain

:-1: Undefined symbol: method descriptor for Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible.debugDescription.getter : Swift.String

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getFunctionTypeMetadata1

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol descriptor for Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible

:-1: Undefined symbol: static Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags.barrier.getter : Dispatch.DispatchWorkItemFlags

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_initClassMetadata2

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol witness table for Swift.Int : Swift.Hashable in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_beginAccess

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_endAccess

:-1: Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCELOAD$_swiftMetal

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.Array.count.getter : Swift.Int

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata for Any

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata for Swift.Int

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.DefaultStringInterpolation.appendInterpolation(A) -> ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getDynamicType

:-1: Undefined symbol: Swift.Array.append(__owned A) -> ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: type metadata for ()

:-1: Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCELOAD$_swiftUIKit

:-1: Undefined symbol: _swift_getErrorValue

:-1: Undefined symbol: protocol conformance descriptor for [A] : Swift.Sequence in Swift

:-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJCMETACLASS$__TtCs12_SwiftObject

louwailou commented 5 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem
mxcl commented 5 years ago

Rebuild your CocoaPods or Carthage checkouts, it works fine with Xcode 10.2, I have 5 projects using it and we've been passing in CI for 5 months with no errors or warnings.

Definitely no reason to add a bridging header.

You can tell something is broken at a baser layer since most of the symbols it cannot find are in Swift itself.

wMellon commented 5 years ago
  • Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  • Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  • Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  • when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem


mxcl commented 5 years ago

Closing assume fixed. Re-open if not.

dhaval-dobariya commented 5 years ago
  • Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  • Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  • Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  • when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

Thanks, this works for me.

ShaneMatthias commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

Oh thank you kind sir!

1453alabanda commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

what kind of king are you Thanx

yasinersever commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem


eramudeep commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

Yo Thanks, it worked for me!!!

inderarora1996 commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode 2.Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  2. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  3. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem Thank You , it worked for me!!!
ReemaVinodGangdev commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

You are a gem. Thanks.

fabiocberg commented 4 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

Simply genius! Worked like a charm!

tgreco commented 3 years ago

You are the man (or woman) @louwailou ! I was stuck on this all morning.

VishalMahesh commented 3 years ago

Not worked for me. Xcode: 12.4 OS: 11.3 Big Sur

Please let me know how to get rid of this issue.

alersenkevich commented 3 years ago

Not worked for me. Xcode: 12.4 OS: 11.3 Big Sur

Please let me know how to get rid of this issue.

same problem, react-native build doesnt work in xcode(12.5), after ios update on 14.5, version of macos Big Sur 11.3

VishalMahesh commented 3 years ago

Not worked for me. Xcode: 12.4 OS: 11.3 Big Sur Please let me know how to get rid of this issue.

same problem, react-native build doesnt work in xcode(12.5), after ios update on 14.5, version of macos Big Sur 11.3

I was able to fix the issue by

muzhaqi16 commented 3 years ago

It doesn't work for me either on Xcode 12.4 and Mac mini (M1 2020) with macOS Big Sur version 11.3

alersenkevich commented 3 years ago

Not worked for me. Xcode: 12.4 OS: 11.3 Big Sur Please let me know how to get rid of this issue.

same problem, react-native build doesnt work in xcode(12.5), after ios update on 14.5, version of macos Big Sur 11.3

I was able to fix the issue by

  • commenting use_flipper!() from podfile.
  • Reinstalling pods.

commenting use_flipper!() doesn't help me, have you got some other advices?

ryan-deng98 commented 3 years ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

thank you so much!

ShobhitChourasia commented 2 years ago

For me what worked here is:

  1. Update cocoapods to latest version using sudo gem install cocoapods
  2. Update pod spec using pod repo update
kainy commented 1 year ago
  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build. This should fix the problem

Thanks for your solution,so why is this OK?

RomanPodymov commented 1 year ago

Hello @kainy Are you still using Xcode 10.2?