Using PromiseKit 6.13.1 and PromiseKit/CoreLocation 6.13.1
Building with Xcode 12.2 to iOS 14 simulator and devices
PromiseKit and CoreLocation extension installed with CocoaPods
iOS 14 introduced some changes for CoreLocation that are problematic with with the current implementation of the PromiseKit CoreLocation extension.
Specifically CLLocatioinManager+Promises is using deprecated method - locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus:
And, it seems because
Both call [manager startUpdatingLocation] before authorization has been granted, didFail:withError is called and then error block is invoked in the promise chain.
So I am wondering if there is an awareness of this issue and if so if there is a plan to fix it?
Seems like our ObjC version of this is pretty behind the Swift version, someone needs to port it. I am unlikely to have time for that, haven't got an app around at the moment using these extensions.
Using PromiseKit 6.13.1 and PromiseKit/CoreLocation 6.13.1 Building with Xcode 12.2 to iOS 14 simulator and devices PromiseKit and CoreLocation extension installed with CocoaPods
iOS 14 introduced some changes for CoreLocation that are problematic with with the current implementation of the PromiseKit CoreLocation extension.
Specifically CLLocatioinManager+Promises is using deprecated method - locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus: And, it seems because
Both call [manager startUpdatingLocation] before authorization has been granted, didFail:withError is called and then error block is invoked in the promise chain.
So I am wondering if there is an awareness of this issue and if so if there is a plan to fix it?