Closed thecb4 closed 5 years ago
Not sure I understand the bug in swift-sh here. Please clarify.
Sent with GitHawk
I was using the Swift-Package-amanager library as a dependency in one of my imports at the top of my swift-ah file. When I attempted to execute the script and it went to fetch the library I would receive the “incompatible dependencies” error. I removed the dependency from my repo for now and everything executes fine with swift-sh. I was looking for a verbose feature to see if I could pinpoint the exact incompatibility.
Replicating the error should be as simple as including a repo In the swift-sh file that has Swift-Package-Manager as a dependency
swift-sh writes out a Package.swift
based on the imports you specify and then executes SwiftPM, if SwiftPM says you have “incompatible dependencies” then you have incompatible dependencies, not much swift-sh can do.
If you provided an example script or the imports that you are specifying that are causing the issue I would be able to help further.
See Package.swift for repo. Removing the swift-package-manager dependency allowed the script to work.
// swift-tools-version:4.2
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "ChangeLogger",
products: [
.executable(name: "changelogger", targets: ["ChangeLogger"]),
.library(name: "ChangeLoggerCLI", targets: ["ChangeLoggerCLI"]),
.library(name: "ChangeLoggerKit", targets: ["ChangeLoggerKit"])
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
.package(url: "", .exact("1.0.1"))
.package(url: "", .branch("swift-4.2-branch"))
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on.
name: "ChangeLogger",
dependencies: ["ChangeLoggerCLI"]
name: "ChangeLoggerCLI",
dependencies: ["ChangeLoggerKit", "Utility"]
name: "ChangeLoggerKit",
dependencies: ["Yams"]
name: "ChangeLoggerKitTests",
dependencies: ["ChangeLoggerKit", "Yams"]
name: "ChangeLoggerTests",
dependencies: ["ChangeLogger", "ChangeLoggerKit"]
See the swift-sh script
#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import Foundation
import Shelltr // == 0.2.0
import ChangeLoggerKit // == 0.2.0
@available(macOS 10.13, *)
extension Shell {
public static func _swifttest(shellType: ShellType = .bash, arguments: [String] = []) throws {
let args = ["test"] + arguments
try Shell(shellType).execute(.swift(args))
if #available(macOS 10.13, *) { {
// tell me what you are changing
try Shell.assertModified(file: "commit.yaml")
// get rid of all the old data
try Shell.rm(content: ".build", recursive: true, force: true)
// Lint & Format
try Shell.swiftformat()
try Shell.swiftlint(quiet: false)
// delete data and build for docs
try Shell.swifttest()
try Shell.sourcekitten(module: "Shelltr", destination: Shell.cwd + "/docs/source.json")
try Shell.jazzy()
// cleanup
try Shell.rm(content: ".build", recursive: true, force: true)
// add + commit
try ChangeLog.revise()
try Shell.gitAdd(.all)
let message = try CommitEntry.current().summary
try Shell.gitCommit(message: message)
Please provide an example that fails.
Like, I used the script you provided and it worked.
Downgrading back to version 0.1.2 of ChangeLogger should provide the error
#!/usr/bin/swift sh
import Foundation
import Shelltr // == 0.2.0
import ChangeLoggerKit // == 0.1.2
@available(macOS 10.13, *)
extension Shell {
public static func _swifttest(shellType: ShellType = .bash, arguments: [String] = []) throws {
let args = ["test"] + arguments
try Shell(shellType).execute(.swift(args))
if #available(macOS 10.13, *) { {
// tell me what you are changing
try Shell.assertModified(file: "commit.yaml")
// get rid of all the old data
try Shell.rm(content: ".build", recursive: true, force: true)
// Lint & Format
try Shell.swiftformat()
try Shell.swiftlint(quiet: false)
// delete data and build for docs
try Shell.swifttest()
try Shell.sourcekitten(module: "Shelltr", destination: Shell.cwd + "/docs/source.json")
try Shell.jazzy()
// cleanup
try Shell.rm(content: ".build", recursive: true, force: true)
// add + commit
try ChangeLog.revise()
try Shell.gitAdd(.all)
let message = try CommitEntry.current().summary
try Shell.gitCommit(message: message)
Yeah, this is not a swift-sh issue, SwiftPM errors with this Package.swift
, which comes from your dependency specification:
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let pkg = Package(name: "fub")
pkg.products = [
.executable(name: "fub", targets: ["fub"])
pkg.dependencies = [
.package(url: "", .exact(Version(0,2,0))),
.package(url: "", .exact(Version(0,1,2)))
pkg.targets = [
.target(name: "fub", dependencies: ["Shelltr", "ChangeLoggerKit"], path: ".", sources: ["main.swift"])
Like, there's nothing swift-sh can do about this. If you believe this is a bug, please report it to Apple. I imagine however it is like SwiftPM says, ie. the dependency graph cannot be resolved for some reason.
Like, reading the error, sounds like two things in the graph require different versions of libSwiftPM, which naturally is impossible to resolve.
When I was using the 4.2 branch of SwiftPM it was giving the same error. If I would get some additional info from swift pm about what was causing the clash, that would be helpful. Is it possible that since swift-sh is using swift-tools:5.0 that could be causing some of the problem?
I have a completely different library where I specify the same swift-pm dependency and everything works fine.
swift-sh uses whatever tools are active. If you want to use 4.2, use xcode-select
I have a completely different library where I specify the same swift-pm dependency and everything works fine.
This is not a swift-sh problem, you can go to ~/Library/Developer/swift-sh.cache
, step into the directory swift-sh
creates and type swift build
you'll get the same error.
Somewhere in the graph being created there is a conflict that cannot be resolved by SwiftPM, I cannot really help further.
ok thanks.
One of your dependencies requires a certain branch of swift-pm and another requires a different branch of swift-pm, both cannot be satisfied. This is unfortunately just how it is.
That's the part that is confusing. I only have 1 reference to Swift Package Manager in my libraries. I've gone back to the other dependencies to confirm there aren't others. Building the package and running the tests themselves work. I would expect the error to occur there also.
FWIW if you use Xcode 10.1 it has a different error:
$ DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/ swift build
error: the package changelogger[] @ 0.1.2 contains incompatible dependencies:
swift-package-manager[] @ swift-5.0-branch
'fub' /Users/mxcl/Library/Developer/swift-sh.cache/fub: error: product dependency 'Shelltr' not found
'fub' /Users/mxcl/Library/Developer/swift-sh.cache/fub: error: product dependency 'ChangeLoggerKit' not found
Edit, well it's the same error to start.
For this generated Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:4.2
import PackageDescription
let pkg = Package(name: "fub")
pkg.products = [
.executable(name: "fub", targets: ["fub"])
pkg.dependencies = [
.package(url: "", .exact(Version(0,2,0))),
.package(url: "", .exact(Version(0,1,2)))
pkg.targets = [
.target(name: "fub", dependencies: ["Shelltr", "ChangeLoggerKit"], path: ".", sources: ["main.swift"])
Whatever is happening here there is definitely some bug in SwiftPM, even if it is just a bad diagnostic message that is hiding the real problem.
Potentially the issue is that the other dependencies don't specify that they support Swift 5, and the SwiftPM branch you specify only supports Swift 5. SwiftPM is (possibly) just giving a rubbish error message.
Edit: well that doesn't make sense since deps can each be built with a different language version.
“incompatible dependencies” is pretty vague. Possibly a Swift 4.2 package cannot depend on a Swift 5 package? I’m not sure frankly.
If so you have that situation here.
I am running 10.143, Swift 4.2.1
import Foundation
import Shelltr // == 0.3.0
import ChangeLogKit // == 0.1.3
I created a 0.1.3 of changelogger so that everything was referencing 4.2 tools and uses a swift-4.2-branch. Same error.
➜ NowThis git:(feature/fix-rating) ✗ swift sh bin/nowthis_workflow.swift
error: the package changelogger[] @ 0.1.3 contains incompatible dependencies:
swift-package-manager[] @ swift-4.2-branch
'nowthis_workflow' /Users/cavellebenjamin/Library/Developer/swift-sh.cache/nowthis_workflow: error: product dependency 'Shelltr' not found
'nowthis_workflow' /Users/cavellebenjamin/Library/Developer/swift-sh.cache/nowthis_workflow: error: product dependency 'ChangeLogKit' not found
error: 1 <(/usr/bin/swift build -Xswiftc -suppress-warnings)
Well, Swift 4.2.1 cannot compile the swift-5.0-branch of SwiftPM, because it cannot compile Swift 5 code. So there's your “incompatible dependency”.
You should report the bug to Apple, SwiftPM’s error diagnostic is rubbish. It should say why the dependency is incompatible.
Edit: oh ok, you changed it to swift-4.2-branch
Well I’m stumped, I cannot help further. Either way this isn’t a swift-sh
Appreciate the help thinking through the problem. I've tried it a couple of different ways. I have started to look at the SwiftPM GitHub repo to see if I can trace the problem back. The message is completely useless.
ArgumentsParser appears to be the culprit, but I have a repo that uses SPMUtility as a dependency for the Command Line Module.
I am importing the library portion, but since the CLI module depends on SPMUtility, shift sh still throws up from a dependency conflict. I tried upgrading to Swift-5.0-branch, but that did not resolve the problem. One solution is to break my library into a Kit and CLI repo. I'd rather not do that.