mxgxw / MFRC522-python

A small class to interface with the NFC reader Module MFRC522
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
521 stars 419 forks source link

Maintained? #66

Closed mbhatt1 closed 5 years ago

mbhatt1 commented 5 years ago


Is this repo being maintained? I am having trouble using it for Jessie. Help? Connections are correct. The kernel module for spi is loaded. The file does nothing however.

RagingTyrant commented 5 years ago

No. Try It seems to be more supported, though I'm just getting started myself.

mxgxw commented 5 years ago

Hi there!

This repo is no longer mantained. However I keep it open because many people uses it as an implementation reference. I think this was the first port of the code for this reader to the Raspberry Pi and many people stills uses it for of basic things.

Later I will update the README with references to other more updated implementations.

Regards, Mario.

mbhatt1 commented 5 years ago

I got it working. Had to make some changes
