Hi, I'm trying to run tests which are included in repo.
I've edited config:
# Choose DBI framework to provide coverage back to Manul ("dynamorio" or "pin"). Example dbi = dynamorio
dbi = dynamorio
# If dbi param is not None the path to dbi engine launcher and dbi client should be specified.
dbi_root = z:\s\tools\DynamoRIO-Windows-7.0.0-RC1\bin32\drrun.exe
dbi_client_root = z:\s\git\manul\win\dbi_32\binafl.dll
dbi_client_libs = None
Created in\out dirs with "AAAA" testcase inside of in directory.
Now I'm trying to start fuzzing.
manul.py -i in -o out -n 1 "win\test\test32.exe @@"
And it seems DR client is just crashing.
If I add debug options, I can see command line for drrun.exe execution:
Hi, I'm trying to run tests which are included in repo.
I've edited config:
Created in\out dirs with "AAAA" testcase inside of in directory.
Now I'm trying to start fuzzing.
And it seems DR client is just crashing.
If I add debug options, I can see command line for drrun.exe execution:
And ...proc.log reveals only this: