mxmssh / manul

Manul is a coverage-guided parallel fuzzer for open-source and blackbox binaries on Windows, Linux and MacOS
Apache License 2.0
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Windows test32/64 DR client crash #49

Open expend20 opened 4 years ago

expend20 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to run tests which are included in repo.

I've edited config:

# Choose DBI framework to provide coverage back to Manul ("dynamorio" or "pin"). Example dbi = dynamorio
dbi = dynamorio
# If dbi param is not None the path to dbi engine launcher and dbi client should be specified.
dbi_root = z:\s\tools\DynamoRIO-Windows-7.0.0-RC1\bin32\drrun.exe
dbi_client_root = z:\s\git\manul\win\dbi_32\binafl.dll
dbi_client_libs = None

Created in\out dirs with "AAAA" testcase inside of in directory.

Now I'm trying to start fuzzing. -i in -o out -n 1 "win\test\test32.exe @@"

And it seems DR client is just crashing. image

If I add debug options, I can see command line for drrun.exe execution:

[INFO] Initializing mutators
[INFO] Performing dry run
[INFO] Launching z:\s\tools\DynamoRIO-Windows-7.0.0-RC1\bin32\drrun.exe -c z:\s\git\manul\win\dbi_32\binafl.dll -coverage_module test32.exe -debug -- win\test\test32.exe z:\s\git\manul\out/0/mutations/.cur_input
[INFO] Target started, waiting for return

And ...proc.log reveals only this:

Module loaded, test32.exe
Module loaded, drx.dll
Module loaded, drwrap.dll
Module loaded, drreg.dll
Module loaded, MSVCR120.dll
Module loaded, drmgr.dll
Module loaded, binafl.dll
Module loaded, dynamorio.dll
Module loaded, KERNEL32.dll
Module loaded, KERNELBASE.dll
Module loaded, ntdll.dll