D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4>D:\Python38\python.exe D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\manul.py -i in -o out -n 1 -c D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\manul_win_network.config "D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\test_network.exe"
[ERROR] Your forgot to specify @@ for your target. Call manul.py -h for more details
I didn't understand network fuzzing config.
can you upload test_network.exe fuzzing config?
D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4>D:\Python38\python.exe D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\manul.py -i in -o out -n 1 -c D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\manul_win_network.config "D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\test_network.exe" [ERROR] Your forgot to specify @@ for your target. Call manul.py -h for more details
D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\manul.py -i innt -o outnt -n 1 -s --target_ip_port= --target_protocol=udp "D:\Fuzz\manul-0.4\test_network.exe"
how can i without -s ??
thanks for your works.