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generative models for artificial genomes #87

Open mxochicale opened 2 years ago

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Creating artificial human genomes using generative neural networks

Generative models have shown breakthroughs in a wide spectrum of domains due to recent advancements in machine learning algorithms and increased computational power. Despite these impressive achievements, the ability of generative models to create realistic synthetic data is still under-exploited in genetics and absent from population genetics. Yet a known limitation in the field is the reduced access to many genetic databases due to concerns about violations of individual privacy, although they would provide a rich resource for data mining and integration towards advancing genetic studies. In this study, we demonstrated that deep generative adversarial networks (GANs) and restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) can be trained to learn the complex distributions of real genomic datasets and generate novel high-quality artificial genomes (AGs) with none to little privacy loss. We show that our generated AGs replicate characteristics of the source dataset such as allele frequencies, linkage disequilibrium, pairwise haplotype distances and population structure. Moreover, they can also inherit complex features such as signals of selection. To illustrate the promising outcomes of our method, we showed that imputation quality for low frequency alleles can be improved by data augmentation to reference panels with AGs and that the RBM latent space provides a relevant encoding of the data, hence allowing further exploration of the reference dataset and features for solving supervised tasks. Generative models and AGs have the potential to become valuable assets in genetic studies by providing a rich yet compact representation of existing genomes and high-quality, easy-access and anonymous alternatives for private databases.

Published: February 4, 2021

Citations: 15 on Tue 28 Dec 09:09:21 GMT 2021,5&hl=en

Synthetic observations from deep generative models and binary omics data with limited sample size

Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 22, Issue 4, July 2021, bbaa226,

Deep generative models can be trained to represent the joint distribution of data, such as measurements of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from several individuals. Subsequently, synthetic observations are obtained by drawing from this distribution. This has been shown to be useful for several tasks, such as removal of noise, imputation, for better understanding underlying patterns, or even exchanging data under privacy constraints. Yet, it is still unclear how well these approaches work with limited sample size. We investigate such settings specifically for binary data, e.g. as relevant when considering SNP measurements, and evaluate three frequently employed generative modeling approaches, variational autoencoders (VAEs), deep Boltzmann machines (DBMs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs). This includes conditional approaches, such as when considering gene expression conditional on SNPs. Recovery of pair-wise odds ratios (ORs) is considered as a primary performance criterion. For simulated as well as real SNP data, we observe that DBMs generally can recover structure for up to 300 variables, with a tendency of over-estimating ORs when not carefully tuned. VAEs generally get the direction and relative strength of pairwise relations right, yet with considerable under-estimation of ORs. GANs provide stable results only with larger sample sizes and strong pair-wise relations in the data. Taken together, DBMs and VAEs (in contrast to GANs) appear to be well suited for binary omics data, even at rather small sample sizes. This opens the way for many potential applications where synthetic observations from omics data might be useful.


Citations: 10 on Tue 28 Dec 09:16:06 GMT 2021,5&hl=en