mxochicale / srep2021

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Initial Quality Check #13

Closed mxochicale closed 3 years ago

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

Re: Nonlinear methods to quantify Movement Variability in Human-Humanoid Interaction Activities

Our Initial Quality Check of your submission has now taken place. As a result, we need you to address the following points before your manuscript can progress any further:

• We notice that FIGURE NUMBER 1. c7 has been referenced in the main text of your manuscript file but this figure has not been included with your submission. Please either upload this figure as a separate 'Figure' file and include a corresponding legend in the main manuscript file or update the references in the main text of your manuscript accordingly.

• We notice that figure FIGURE NUMBER 1. c6 and FIGURE NUMBER 2. a2 and a4 has not been referenced in the main text of the article. If figures are not cited in the manuscript they will not appear in the html (online) version if your paper is accepted for publication. Therefore, it is essential they are mentioned at least once in the text and, we strongly recommend, in the order in which they are numbered.

• We see you have included a statement in the Methods indicating the study was performed in accordance with appropriate guidelines. In addition to this, please can you confirm that the experimental protocol/s was/were approved by a named institutional and/or licensing committee by including a statement in the methods section to this effect, including any relevant details?

For further information please see our guidelines using the following link:

If you are unable to confirm ethical approval or feel that it is not relevant to your study please contact to discuss.

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

Re: third point: I will be contacting with the following reasoning:

Our submitted work only adhered to the University of Birmingham regulations in which time-series data were anonymised and videos were stored only on a personal computer (i.e. not available for the public), in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Having said that the submitted work does not provide an approved protocol by the University of Birmingham as it was not relevant for our study. However, it has been added details on the follewed guidedances for experiments with humans (i.e. questionnaires and checklist as an appendix).


mxochicale commented 3 years ago


Getting a ethics statement has been taking a while as our request on 27-April-2021 requires revisions from STEM Research Ethics Committee and approval to the Director of Research and the Head of College.

Scientific Reports helps to accommodate an extension to 31 of May 2021 which was not meet and I cannot accommodate another extension. That said, the strategy is then to withdraw the manuscript and resubmit it when this is ready ready (hopefully in the coming two weeks).

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

We appreciate your decision to withdraw your manuscript, "Nonlinear methods to quantify Movement Variability in Human-Humanoid Interaction Activities ", from further consideration. We confirm that your manuscript has now been withdrawn. Thank you very much for having considered Scientific Reports. We look forward to hearing from you again in the near future. Regarding the policies please find the link below

mxochicale commented 3 years ago

Communication between scientists Scientific Reports does not wish to hinder communication between scientists. For that reason, different embargo guidelines apply to work that has been discussed at a conference or displayed on a preprint server and picked up by the media as a result. (Neither conference presentations nor posting on recognized preprint servers constitute prior publication.)​