mxpv / podsync

Turn YouTube or Vimeo channels, users, or playlists into podcast feeds
MIT License
1.51k stars 264 forks source link

Connection errors #134

Open paulmorabito opened 4 years ago

paulmorabito commented 4 years ago


I'm running podsync via the docker image (with latest tag) and after the updates this week, have noticed some errors:

time="2020-04-23T00:41:11Z" level=info msg="\n _______  _______  ______   _______           _        _______ \n(  ____ )(  ___  )(  __  \\ (  ____ \\|\\     /|( (    /|(  ____ \\\n| (    )|| (   ) || (  \\  )| (    \\/( \\   / )|  \\  ( || (    \\/\n| (____)|| |   | || |   ) || (_____  \\ (_) / |   \\ | || |      \n|  _____)| |   | || |   | |(_____  )  \\   /  | (\\ \\) || |      \n| (      | |   | || |   ) |      ) |   ) (   | | \\   || |      \n| )      | (___) || (__/  )/\\____) |   | |   | )  \\  || (____/\\\n|/       (_______)(______/ \\_______)   \\_/   |/    )_)(_______/\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:11Z" level=info msg="running podsync" commit=44e1f7704aa3dd027880a13ef5842466788d8836 date="2020-04-18T20:43:33Z" version=2.2.2,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="using youtube-dl 2020.01.24\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="found ffmpeg: ffmpeg version 4.1.5 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developers\nbuilt with gcc 8.3.0 (Alpine 8.3.0)\nconfiguration: --prefix=/usr --enable-avresample --enable-avfilter --enable-gnutls --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libxvid --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libtheora --enable-libv4l2 --enable-postproc --enable-pic --enable-pthreads --enable-shared --enable-libxcb --disable-stripping --disable-static --disable-librtmp --enable-vaapi --enable-vdpau --enable-libopus --disable-debug\nlibavutil      56. 22.100 / 56. 22.100\nlibavcodec     58. 35.100 / 58. 35.100\nlibavformat    58. 20.100 / 58. 20.100\nlibavdevice    58.  5.100 / 58.  5.100\nlibavfilter     7. 40.101 /  7. 40.101\nlibavresample   4.  0.  0 /  4.  0.  0\nlibswscale      5.  3.100 /  5.  3.100\nlibswresample   3.  3.100 /  3.  3.100\nlibpostproc    55.  3.100 / 55.  3.100\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="opening database \"db\"",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="All 1 tables opened in 1ms\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="Replaying file id: 0 at offset: 148175\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="Replay took: 22.891µs\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="running listener at :8033",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:12Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID1 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:13Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:13Z" level=info msg="download count: 1",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:13Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=gG_9j6aquaY index=0,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-228354651/gG_9j6aquaY.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=error msg="[youtube] gG_9j6aquaY: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=info msg="downloaded 0 episode(s)",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=error msg="failed to update feed:" error="xml build failed: failed to obtain download URL for: Do0RxWNm6LA.mp3: failed to check whether file exists: stat /app/data/ID1/Do0RxWNm6LA.mp3: no such file or directory",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID2 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=info msg="download count: 10",
time="2020-04-23T00:41:15Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=-qI5OTx1Cz0 index=0,
time="2020-04-23T00:41:17Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-728631294/-qI5OTx1Cz0.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",

It follows a similar pattern through the remainder of the feeds. Everything was working fine until a few days back.

mxpv commented 4 years ago


ERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available

This one comes from youtube-dl and should not be related to podsync.

failed to update feed: X" error="xml build failed: failed to obtain download URL for: Do0RxWNm6LA.mp3: failed to check whether file exists: X: no such file or directory",

This one is far more interesting. It looks like it tries to include an episode that was deleted, and hence fails to rebuild the feed. Can you post your config for this feed?

paulmorabito commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the feed but it's doing the same for all of them:

  url = "" # URL address of a channel, group, user, or pl$  page_size = 20 # The number of episodes to query each update (keep in mind, that this might drain API token)
  update_period = "1h" # How often query for updates, examples: "60m", "4h", "2h45m"
  quality = "high" # or "low"
  format = "audio" # or "audio"
  # cover_art = "{IMAGE_URL}" # Optional URL address of an image file
  # max_height = "720" # Optional maximal height of video, example: 720, 1080, 1440, 2160, ...
  # cron_schedule = "@every 12h" # Optional cron expression format. If set then overwrite 'update_period'. See details below        # filters = { title = "regex for title here" } # Optional Golang regexp format. If set, then only download episodes with matchi$  clean = { keep_last = 5 } # Keep last 10 episodes (order desc by PubDate)
mxpv commented 4 years ago

Did you remove episodes manually?

paulmorabito commented 4 years ago

Yes, I removed all the data/subdirectories as I thought there might have been a data corruption issue. The same error was occurring before this though.

Is the state (downloaded episodes etc.) stored somewhere? Can I safely refresh or remove it?

paulmorabito commented 4 years ago

I've kept it running and here's the logging. The error 99 and also youtube-dl seem related?

time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"Coronavirus: Should the Police Be Investigating the UK Govt Destroying Documents?- John Ashton CBE\"" episode_id=YBm7LCeOzHU feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"EP.865: Ex-UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon on Coronavirus- West Must Aid Global South in COVID-19 Fight!\"" episode_id=ODFG-OtGddw feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"Why Do Young People Vote For Socialism? (Keir Milburn, Generation Left)\"" episode_id=Z_3OqeynHc8 feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"Coronavirus Pandemic: 'SCANDALOUS That Healthcare Workers Are Being Gagged Over PPE Shortages!'\"" episode_id=MERKhNgCvYU feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"Coronavirus Pandemic: 'Iran has the BEST Doctors in the World, Lift US Sanctions!'- Sam Mahdi Torabi\"" episode_id=sbH9XGkZcSs feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"EP.864: Sanctions on Iran Show US’ Evil Nature During Coronavirus Pandemic (Sam Mahdi Torabi)\"" episode_id=Obvj6Zo6ZhU feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="deleting \"Coronavirus Pandemic: Italian Doctor on What We Can Learn From Italy's Experience\"" episode_id=o6ZoVYvLhpY feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 3m35.840369642s",
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="next update of ID4: 2020-04-23 10:52:11 +0000 UTC",
time="2020-04-23T09:55:55Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID3 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:56Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T09:55:56Z" level=info msg="download count: 6",
time="2020-04-23T09:55:56Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=2cdxjYW_g_E index=0,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:00Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-971745072/2cdxjYW_g_E.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:00Z" level=error msg="[youtube] 2cdxjYW_g_E: Downloading webpage\n[youtube] 2cdxjYW_g_E: Downloading video info webpage\nERROR: Signature extraction failed: Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/usr/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/extractor/\", line 1385, in _decrypt_signature\n    video_id, player_url, s\n  File \"/usr/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/extractor/\", line 1262, in _extract_signature_function\n    raise ExtractorError('Cannot identify player %r' % player_url)\nExtractorError: Cannot identify player u''; please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type  youtube-dl -U  to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.\n (caused by ExtractorError(u\"Cannot identify player u''; please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type  youtube-dl -U  to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.\",)); please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; type  youtube-dl -U  to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.\n",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:00Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=ii5MlQgGXyk index=1,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:50Z" level=info msg="successfully downloaded file \"ii5MlQgGXyk\"" episode_id=ii5MlQgGXyk index=1,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:50Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=k8Zb8615ib0 index=2,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:52Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-778744290/k8Zb8615ib0.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:52Z" level=error msg="[youtube] k8Zb8615ib0: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:52Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=kVo0YNZK_oY index=3,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:54Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-877915097/kVo0YNZK_oY.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:54Z" level=error msg="[youtube] kVo0YNZK_oY: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:54Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=liT7e5M6XfY index=4,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:55Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-766416228/liT7e5M6XfY.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:55Z" level=error msg="[youtube] liT7e5M6XfY: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:55Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=tXOLQ0xea1s index=5,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-403788147/tXOLQ0xea1s.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=error msg="[youtube] tXOLQ0xea1s: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=info msg="downloaded 1 episode(s)",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=info msg="running cleaner" count=5 feed_id=ID3,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=info msg="deleting \"An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup\"" episode_id=ii5MlQgGXyk feed_id=ID3,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 1m1.674857832s",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=info msg="next update of ID3: 2020-04-23 10:52:11 +0000 UTC",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:57Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID2 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:58Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:58Z" level=info msg="no episodes to download",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:58Z" level=info msg="running cleaner" count=10 feed_id=ID2,
time="2020-04-23T09:56:58Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 967.68892ms",
time="2020-04-23T09:56:58Z" level=info msg="next update of ID2: 2020-04-23 10:52:11 +0000 UTC",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:11Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID1 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:11Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:11Z" level=info msg="download count: 5",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:11Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=Do0RxWNm6LA index=0,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:13Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-716139574/Do0RxWNm6LA.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:13Z" level=error msg="[youtube] Do0RxWNm6LA: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:13Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=Nd7exbDzU1c index=1,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:15Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-720017437/Nd7exbDzU1c.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:15Z" level=error msg="[youtube] Nd7exbDzU1c: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:15Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=gG_9j6aquaY index=2,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:16Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-097648856/gG_9j6aquaY.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:16Z" level=error msg="[youtube] gG_9j6aquaY: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:16Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=gvuS9kVjhzg index=3,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:18Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-233587799/gvuS9kVjhzg.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:18Z" level=error msg="[youtube] gvuS9kVjhzg: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:18Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=t2lp2MHh-0c index=4,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-780163018/t2lp2MHh-0c.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=error msg="[youtube] t2lp2MHh-0c: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="downloaded 0 episode(s)",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="running cleaner" count=5 feed_id=ID1,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 9.087758901s",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="next update of ID1: 2020-04-23 11:52:11 +0000 UTC",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID3 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="download count: 5",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:20Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=2cdxjYW_g_E index=0,
time="2020-04-23T10:52:22Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-319625889/2cdxjYW_g_E.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:22Z" level=error msg="[youtube] 2cdxjYW_g_E: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:52:22Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=k8Zb8615ib0 index=1,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:24Z" level=info msg="successfully downloaded file \"k8Zb8615ib0\"" episode_id=k8Zb8615ib0 index=1,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:24Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=kVo0YNZK_oY index=2,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:25Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-076018555/kVo0YNZK_oY.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:25Z" level=error msg="[youtube] kVo0YNZK_oY: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:25Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=liT7e5M6XfY index=3,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:27Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-767658142/liT7e5M6XfY.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:27Z" level=error msg="[youtube] liT7e5M6XfY: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:27Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=tXOLQ0xea1s index=4,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-886919013/tXOLQ0xea1s.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=error msg="[youtube] tXOLQ0xea1s: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=info msg="downloaded 1 episode(s)",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=info msg="running cleaner" count=5 feed_id=ID3,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=info msg="deleting \"The Plot to Attack Iran - Myths, Oil & Revolution\"" episode_id=k8Zb8615ib0 feed_id=ID3,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 1m8.976958027s",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=info msg="next update of ID3: 2020-04-23 11:52:11 +0000 UTC",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:29Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID2 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:30Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:30Z" level=info msg="no episodes to download",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:30Z" level=info msg="running cleaner" count=10 feed_id=ID2,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:30Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 1.019636447s",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:30Z" level=info msg="next update of ID2: 2020-04-23 11:52:11 +0000 UTC",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:30Z" level=info msg="-> updating" feed_id=ID4 format=audio quality=high,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:31Z" level=info msg="downloading episodes" page_size=20,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:31Z" level=info msg="download count: 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:31Z" level=info msg="! downloading episode" episode_id=0hcvNk28O5E index=0,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:32Z" level=error msg="youtube-dl error: /tmp/podsync-199799168/0hcvNk28O5E.%(ext)s" error="failed to execute youtube-dl: exit status 1",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:32Z" level=error msg="[youtube] 0hcvNk28O5E: Downloading webpage\nERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Address not available> (caused by URLError(error(99, 'Address not available'),))\n",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:32Z" level=info msg="downloaded 0 episode(s)",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:32Z" level=info msg="running cleaner" count=5 feed_id=ID4,
time="2020-04-23T10:53:32Z" level=info msg="successfully updated feed in 2.56707452s",
time="2020-04-23T10:53:32Z" level=info msg="next update of ID4: 2020-04-23 11:52:11 +0000 UTC",

Hopefully this helps.