mxsasha / nrtmv4

Ideas and work on the NRTM v4 protocol and implementations.
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Switch to RFC7464 JSON sequences and UTF-8, permit gzip #27

Closed mxsasha closed 1 year ago

mxsasha commented 1 year ago

Per our email discussion, this switches to RFC7464 JSON sequences. This is kind of like JSONL I proposed in mail, but has a more thorough specification. Basically it comes down to %x1E as separator. There are some libraries out there with implementations, but if those are insufficient, it seems easy enough to write yourself and pass each record to a normal JSON parser. All integrity issues is already addressed in the NRTMv4 case due to the hashes in the Update Notification File.

Second, this switches to just using UTF-8, as discussed. No encoding requirement.

Third, this permits gzip compression on the files.

Text render for reading convenience: draft-ietf-grow-nrtm-v4.txt