mxsasha / nrtmv4

Ideas and work on the NRTM v4 protocol and implementations.
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Handle slightly outdated UNF gracefully #36

Open mxsasha opened 3 months ago

mxsasha commented 3 months ago


I think the current implementation in IRRD consistent with the current text says: UNF invalid, reset session. I think this should have more grace. Particularly with #33 allowing us to detect real history rewrites.

Suggestion: when clients find an otherwise valid UNF with one version lower than the current client version, it should do nothing. No changes, no updates, just ignore and check again in a minute. More than one version behind -> reset.

Credit to Tim Bruijnzeels for raising this at RIPE88.

job commented 3 months ago

This is the way

stkonst commented 3 months ago

I do agree that if a client detects a UNF with lower version, then he should simply ignore it.

Shall we update section 5.2 with this recommendation?

Also, shall we include a recommendation that if client detects a session_id mismatch then it must immediately reset ?

mxsasha commented 3 months ago

Made #37 for this. We did already cover this more than I thought, it is a reject, not a reset, if the UNF matches. Still, added a recommendation on the difference between small offset and large offset.

Also, shall we include a recommendation that if client detects a session_id mismatch then it must immediately reset ?

That's already in there.