mxsdev / nvim-dap-vscode-js

nvim-dap adapter for vscode-js-debug
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Debug adapter disconnected #48

Open letmorfin opened 1 year ago

letmorfin commented 1 year ago

When I try to run this command :lua require'dap'.continue() with the config below I get a message: "Debug adapter disconnected" my js-dap.lua file

    -- node_path = "node", -- Path of node executable. Defaults to $NODE_PATH, and then "node"
    -- debugger_path = "(runtimedir)/site/pack/packer/opt/vscode-js-debug", -- Path to vscode-js-debug installation.
    --debugger_cmd = { "js-debug-adapter" }, -- Command to use to launch the debug server. Takes precedence over `node_path` and `debugger_path`.
    adapters = { "pwa-node", "pwa-chrome", "pwa-msedge", "node-terminal", "pwa-extensionHost" }, -- which adapters to register in nvim-dap
    -- log_file_path = "(stdpath cache)/dap_vscode_js.log" -- Path for file logging
    -- log_file_level = false -- Logging level for output to file. Set to false to disable file logging.
    -- log_console_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR -- Logging level for output to console. Set to false to disable console output.
for _, language in ipairs({ "typescript", "javascript" }) do
    require("dap").configurations[language] = {
            type = "pwa-node",
            request = "launch",
            name = "Launch file",
            program = "${file}",
            cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",

my packer.lua:

    use({ "mxsdev/nvim-dap-vscode-js", requires = { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" } })
        opt = true,
        run = "npm install --legacy-peer-deps && npx gulp vsDebugServerBundle && mv dist out",

i also downloaded js-debug-adapter using Mason but it didn't help

prajwal-unext commented 8 months ago

Facing this same issue. Any update on this ?

foxt451 commented 8 months ago

Same. It just doesn't work for ts

AntonyZ89 commented 7 months ago

If you are using "ts-node-dev" to build your project replace "node" by "ts-node-dev" on runtimeExecutable

If you are using "ts-node" try the first config:


Or just use Auto Attach (ref:


Remember to add --inspect on dev command

tsnd --inspect -r dotenv/config -r tsconfig-paths/register ./src/main.ts

Here my nvim config

IgberZBN commented 2 months ago

Can u debug using Bun project?