I'm getting data from my Victron MPPT solar charge controller via bluetooth and the signalk-victron-ble plugin. There is new data every 10 seconds. I can see all the values regularly being updated in the SK data browser.
In KIP I have created widgets for some of those values (numbers). Unfortunately, the values in KIP are not updated. It keeps showing the initial (on load) values.
I just solved the problem by selecting the other of the two paths. The one I had chosen contained the bluetooth address, the one I‘m using now (that works) is only called signalk-victron-ble.
I'm getting data from my Victron MPPT solar charge controller via bluetooth and the signalk-victron-ble plugin. There is new data every 10 seconds. I can see all the values regularly being updated in the SK data browser. In KIP I have created widgets for some of those values (numbers). Unfortunately, the values in KIP are not updated. It keeps showing the initial (on load) values.