Open dharness opened 8 years ago
Maybe it's possible to use the html syntax style in place of the xml one?
<h3>Hello World</h3>
breaks down for vim colors into
<*> = xmlTag
*h3* = xmlTagName
</h3> = xmlTagEnd
Why is the xml tag end the whole thing (</h3>
) rather than </*>
That way I can style my closing tag to have two different colors. One for </ >
and another for the tag name h3
I ended up changing to:
syn include @XMLSyntax syntax/html.vim
It's highlighting better, but not perfect. It would be really appreciated if the read me explained how/where the xml endTag/StartTag syntax highlighting might be defined and how to change it. New-ish to vim and I couldn't find any quick answers on a web search.
Edit - after running :verbose hi xmlEndTag
, I can see the xml syntax highlighting is coming form the defaults:
xmlEndTag xxx links to Identifier
Last set from /usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/xml.vim
It be greatly appreciated to explain what an end-user should do to override the defaults.
I was able to get this working by adding these lines to my syntax file:
hi Tag guifg=#bd9800 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=11 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
hi xmlTag guifg=#bd9800 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=11 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
hi xmlTagName guifg=#bd9800 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=11 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
hi xmlEndTag guifg=#bd9800 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=11 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
This yields tags that look like this:
Revisiting this since my earlier suggestion was a fail and @Ameobea seems to have made some progress. @Ameobea is there any reason why you explicitly set guifg
? Still new-ish to vim and I'm still trying to understand the underlining color scheming.
I use base16-vim and only had to add the following to my vimrc:
hi Tag ctermfg=04
hi xmlTag ctermfg=04
hi xmlTagName ctermfg=04
hi xmlEndTag ctermfg=04
Base16-vim and jsx:
@nikolowry I literally just copied the Tag
line from my theme's .vim file and changed Tag
into xmlTag
, xmlTagName
, etc.
Thanks for the quick reply @Ameobea - just trying to find the best solution to include in my vimrc for cross-colorscheme support.
@dharness @tomgatzgates
Create xml.vim
in ~/.vim/after/syntax/
and add the following:
syn region xmlTagName matchgroup=xmlEndTag start=+</+ end=+>+
You should be able to style the angle brackets and tag names separately using xmlTag
, xmlEndTag
, and xmlTagName
. If you prefer, you can use matchgroup=xmlTag
My problem here was that the jsx was parsed as xmlTagN
I hacked that into the colorscheme, but I didn't like the solution...
So i sent hunting for other plugins and I found
this does a better job than mxw/vim-jsx
in correctly tagging the close tag... but I fear it's otherwise inferior...
" determine the highlighting of the current term under the cursor
map <F10> :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<'
Could vim-jsx
define a xmlTagEndName
or similar?
Hi folks,
Could someone summarize what the action items here are? I only recently figured out why I wasn't getting notifications from this repo, so I'm inferring that there are two distinct issues here:
If there are any action items or issues in this thread I've missed, please let me know.
I agree that this is an XML syntax highlighting issue and that it falls outside of the scope of this project. My earlier comment addresses how to add syntax rules that customize the default behavior.
More detailed information is available through :help syn-files
under the section titled ADDING TO AN EXISTING SYNTAX FILE
I use base16 and find that @nikolowry suggested works flawlessly.
hi Tag ctermfg=04
hi xmlTag ctermfg=04
hi xmlTagName ctermfg=04
hi xmlEndTag ctermfg=04
@aesnyder that worked for me sort of. It really made all my tags white and not have highlighting. If anyone else encounters this they can try
hi link xmlEndTag xmlTag
Which I found just by searching xml issues:
Which by guessing it is a way to force the editor to match the start and end tags
@avocadoras you can put it in your .vimrc
When I use both @aa-ya and @skbolton 's config, it's worked. Thanks! put "hi link xmlEndTag xmlTag" in my vimrc and put "syn region xmlTagName matchgroup=xmlEndTag start=+</+ end=+>+" in .vim/after/syntax/xml.vim
If I understand correctly, nobody has managed to make the brackets (</
and >
) for the end tags color different from the text inside the brackets?
On a Linux system write the following commands:
cd /usr/share/vim/vim82/syntax
sudo vim html.vim
If you move to line 263, you'll get "The default highlighting:", and subsequent lines
hi def link htmlTag Function
hi def link htmlEndTag Identifier
Change these as follows:
hi def link htmlTag Function
hi def link htmlEndTag htmlTag
If you also seek to match the colors of the tags with tag names then change
hi def link htmlTagName htmlstatement
hi def link htmlTagName htmlTag
I hope this will help.
I know the README addresses this issue - but I can't help but feel it's only partially complete. Is there any way we could add how to resolve this issue?
If I knew how to actually resolve this issue I'd submit a PR but...