echo "source ~/.bashrc to update path in the current shell."
echo 'Checking for $(which json)'
which json > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo '$(which json) not found, installing from npm. May require global permissions.'
npm install -g jsontool
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Couldn't install jsontool from npm. Please run 'sudo npm install -g json', then rerun this installer."
exit 1
echo "jsontool found."
Only modify the path if the newly installed ghf doesn't exist.
if [ ! $(echo $PATH | fgrep "$INSTALL_DIR/.ghf/bin") ] ; then
echo "Adding .ghf to PATH."
echo "PATH was '$PATH'"
echo "PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/.ghf/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "PATH is '$PATH'"
echo "source ~/.bashrc to update path in the current shell."
if [ ! $(echo $PATH | fgrep "$INSTALL_DIR/.ghf/bin") ] ; then echo "Adding .ghf to PATH."
echo "PATH was '$PATH'"
echo "PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/.ghf/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "PATH is '$PATH'"
echo "source ~/.bashrc to update path in the current shell."
echo 'Checking for $(which json)' which json > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo '$(which json) not found, installing from npm. May require global permissions.' npm install -g jsontool if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Couldn't install jsontool from npm. Please run 'sudo npm install -g json', then rerun this installer." exit 1 fi else echo "jsontool found." fi
echo "Installing into $INSTALL_DIR/.ghf"
Create the install directory if it doesn't exist.
[ -d $INSTALL_DIR ] || mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
If it's already installed, update from origin.
if [ -d .ghf ] ; then cd .ghf echo "github-flow already installed, updating from origin." git pull origin master else git clone .ghf fi
Only modify the path if the newly installed ghf doesn't exist.
if [ ! $(echo $PATH | fgrep "$INSTALL_DIR/.ghf/bin") ] ; then echo "Adding .ghf to PATH."