my-ugly-code / WebsUpTV

Node.js application for displaying various web widgets over Android TV OS - Sports, News, Weather, Plex and more
25 stars 2 forks source link

Need ffmpeg and/or scrcpy-server.jar skills #2

Open my-ugly-code opened 1 year ago

my-ugly-code commented 1 year ago

I'm wanting to combine ffmpeg, scrcpy and face-api.node.js to achieve realtime facial recognition. I've currently got video running in the browser with openGL (demo ), but I'd like to remove the browser requirement (will not work in headless puppeteer) and do this in the Node backend. I'm able to grab screenshots and process those. I'm having trouble getting face-api backend to consume a scrcpy > ffmpeg stream -- not sure where the breakdown is. I'd like an output stream of face-api box coordinates, then send them back to WebsUp overlay with a websocket.