mybatis / mybatipse

Eclipse plugin adding support for MyBatis SQL Mapper Framework.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Error "Property xxx not found in class yyy" on many properties, where the property exists in the class #100

Closed peter-urbanus closed 2 years ago

peter-urbanus commented 4 years ago

For instance, these properties were al marked with error:

  <resultMap id="programCall" type="nl.mediacenter.xref.dal.ProgramCall">
    <result property="calledProgram"      column="CALLED_PROGRAM"      jdbcType="CHAR"/>
    <result property="calledProgramType"  column="CALLED_PROGRAMTYPE"  jdbcType="CHAR"/>
    <result property="calledProgramText"  column="CALLED_PROGRAMTEXT"  jdbcType="CHAR"/>
    <result property="callingProgram"     column="CALLING_PROGRAM"     jdbcType="CHAR"/>
    <result property="callingProgramType" column="CALLING_PROGRAMTYPE" jdbcType="CHAR"/>
    <result property="callingProgramText" column="CALLING_PROGRAMTEXT" jdbcType="CHAR"/>

And this is part of the class in question

package nl.mediacenter.xref.dal;

public class ProgramCall
public String calledProgram;
private String calledProgramType;
private String calledProgramText;
private String callingProgram;
private String callingProgramType;
private String callingProgramText;
public String getCalledProgram()
    return calledProgram;
public String getCalledProgramType()
    return calledProgramType;
public String getCalledProgramText()
    return calledProgramText;

As you can see, all the properties are there. The errors went away after I uninstalled MyBatipse.

harawata commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the report, @peter-urbanus !

A few quick things that might fix the problem:

If none of them didn't resolve the issue, please try the followings and let me know the results:

  1. Do the other features like auto-completion work?
  2. When you import the jpetstore project, do you get the similar validation errors?
purbanus commented 2 years ago

Hi @Hirawate, sorry for taking so long to respond. I recently installed MyBatipse and I have the same problem. I tried all your suggestions with no result. I also imported the jpetstore project, and it didn't have any errors. However, this may be because jpetstore doesn't use any <resultMap>. I do have some news though: I have the errors in a handwritten mapper.xml file, but in xml generated by MyBatis Generator, which uses <resultMap>, there are no errors!. Both mappers are in the same project.

Again as previously, the errors went away after I uninstalled MyBatipse

purbanus commented 2 years ago

You can ask me anything :-)

purbanus commented 2 years ago

Here is the XML of the mapper that has the errors:

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" 
<mapper namespace="pu.heavymetal.dal.queries.QueriesMapper">
  <resultMap id="jaarDocument" type="">
    <result property="jaar"      column="JAAR"    jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
    <result property="issues"    column="ISSUES"  jdbcType="INTEGER"/>

Here, both properties can't be found with a message like this: Property 'jaar' not found in class Here is the generated XML that has no errors:

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="pu.heavymetal.dal.generated.AuteurDalMapper">
  <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="pu.heavymetal.dal.generated.AuteurDal">
     <id column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id" />
    <result column="naam" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="naam" />

Do you want me to show the java code?

harawata commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info @purbanus ,

Try copying the BaseResultMap in the OK mapper and paste it into the NG mapper (i.e. QueriesMapper) and see if MyBatipse reports the error or not.

purbanus commented 2 years ago

Ok, I did that, and it gives no errors! Here is the XML:

<mapper namespace="pu.heavymetal.dal.queries.QueriesMapper">
 <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="pu.heavymetal.dal.generated.AuteurDal">
    <id column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id" />
    <result column="naam" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="naam" />
  <resultMap id="jaarDocument" type="">
    <result property="jaar"      column="JAAR"    jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
    <result property="issues"    column="ISSUES"  jdbcType="INTEGER"/>

So the BaseResultMap has no errors, the jaarDocument has two. I still have no idea.

harawata commented 2 years ago

One step closer. :) Now we know that the difference lies between those two classes.

It is worth checking the directory structure in Finder/File Explorer. It should look like this:


But sometimes, users create a directory (i.e. package) that contains a dot.


It could be something else, but compare these classes carefully and you'll find the answer.

purbanus commented 2 years ago

I'm afraid not. Here is a screenshot of the directory structure Screenshot from 2021-12-04 02-00-58

harawata commented 2 years ago

It's Eclipse, right? Did you check it in the system's file explorer?

purbanus commented 2 years ago

This is indeed Eclipse. Here is the same screenshot of the file system: Screenshot from 2021-12-04 02-17-49

harawata commented 2 years ago

Well, could you post the content of

purbanus commented 2 years ago

Sure, there you go


public class JaarDocument
private final int jaar;
private final long issues;
public JaarDocument( Integer aJaar, Long aIssues )
    jaar = aJaar;
    issues = aIssues;
public int getJaar()
    return jaar;
public long getIssues()
    return issues;


Oh, now I see: it's the final in the member definitions. If I remove that the errors go away!

harawata commented 2 years ago

In that case, you need to use 'constructor mapping'.

<resultMap id="jaarDocument" type="">
    <arg column="JAAR" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />
    <arg column="ISSUES" javaType="java.lang.Long" />

The types of constructor args should match the field types, BTW.

Please see the doc for the details.

purbanus commented 2 years ago

That seems to solve the problem. However, MyBatis has no problem using the immutable class, it's only MyBatipse that has a problem with that. If I uninstall MyBatipse everything runs fine, and there aren't any errors in the XML.

harawata commented 2 years ago

MyBatis sets values to final fields using reflection, but you really should not rely on that 'feature' as JDK gets stricter.

purbanus commented 2 years ago

Ok, I will accept your answer as the final answer, so you can close the problem. Thanks a lot for your time!

harawata commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to report the issue! 👍