mybatis / mybatis-3

MyBatis SQL mapper framework for Java
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Sub-Query Support for SQL builder #904

Open iintothewind opened 7 years ago

iintothewind commented 7 years ago

Feature request

The initial sql statement is like:

select,, COALESCE(am.asset_deprecate,0) as asset_deprecate 
from (select, from asset_info ai join asset_clinical_record ar on = ar.asset_id where ai.site_id = :site_id and ai.hospital_id = :hospital_id and extract(year from ar.exam_date) = :year group by order by as at 
left join (select ad.asset_id, sum(ad.deprecate_amount) as asset_deprecate from asset_depreciation ad where ad.site_id = :site_id and extract(year from ad.deprecate_date) = :year group by asset_id) as am 
on = am.asset_id 
order by

By using SQL builder, it could be:

new SQL()
  .SELECT("", "", "COALESCE(am.deprecation,0)")
  .FROM("(" + new SQL()
    .SELECT("", "")
    .FROM(" asset_info ai")
    .INNER_JOIN("asset_clinical_record ar on = ar.asset_id")
    .WHERE("ai.site_id = :site_id")
    .WHERE("ai.hospital_id = :hospital_id")
    .WHERE("extract(year from ar.exam_date) = :year")
    .toString().concat(") as at"))
  .LEFT_OUTER_JOIN("(" + new SQL()
    .SELECT("asset_id", "sum(deprecate_amount) as deprecation")
    .WHERE("site_id = :site_id")
    .WHERE("extract(year from deprecate_date) = :year")
    .toString().concat(") as am on = am.asset_id"))

It could be better if we can add SELECT directly to FROM and ...JOIN methods instead of doing "("+ stuff.

h3adache commented 7 years ago

This is slightly complicated. SQL builder is a simple query builder. It does not build up any type of state tree that can remember where subselects start and end. If from and join methods where to allow subselects directly we would have to build up a pointer to the From/Join that the select came from. This would be a larger rewrite of the SQL builder I think.

Mooninaut commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add overloads for the FROM(), WHERE() and various JOIN() methods that accept an SQL object parameter, and an optional alias? Then the parent SQL could append (SELECT ...) AS alias on output, without creating intermediate strings for each sub-query.