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Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet for Android
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Backup of externally imported address cannot be verified #531

Closed jbrepogmailcom closed 4 years ago

jbrepogmailcom commented 4 years ago

I backed up external address, that I imported earlier. After verification, I get message that no bitcoin address has been found. I am still getting annoying message that my backup has not been verified. How to get rid off of the message? Thanks

Giszmo commented 4 years ago

Can you please provide more details? So you restored a wallet from the 12 word mnemonic and it still asks you to create a backup?

jbrepogmailcom commented 4 years ago

No. I backed up extrenal SA address that I imported. When I want to verify backup I get message that no address has been found. Apparently backup verification only works for HD addresses

Giszmo commented 4 years ago

The BIP38 encrypted backup decryption was broken and did just not run. If the issue persists on 3.2.17, let me know.

Giszmo commented 4 years ago I meant. It should be available now.