mychaelgo / gojek

Un-official Gojek & GoPay API Wrapper
MIT License
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Get Transport Estimates For Other Pickup and Dropoff Locations #22

Open ldw129 opened 1 year ago

ldw129 commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Thank you for publishing this repo. I have tried to run the get-transport-estimate.js locally on my computer using a different set of latitude and longitude points for the pickup and dropoff locations, based outside of Indonesia in another country like Singapore. However, I encountered an error called .transport_pricing_service.estimate.error when requesting for transport estimates between the 2 points, using the get-transport-estimate.js file.

The latitude and longitude points that I used for the pickup and dropoff locations are:

Additionally, I have already changed the country code to +65 (for Singapore) and the phone number to my phone number in the goid.js file, as shown below:

const testLoginRequest = async () => {
    const loginResponse = await tokenAPI.loginRequest({
            client_id: 'gojek:consumer:app',
            client_secret: 'pGwQ7oi8bKqqwvid09UrjqpkMEHklb',
            country_code: '+65',
            login_type: 'otp_whatsapp',
            magic_link_ref: '',
            phone_number: '81464126'

    console.log({ loginResponse:  });

And below is the error I faced when I ran get-transport-estimate.js, after running get-pickup-spots.js and get-dropoff-spots.js:

      code: '.transport_pricing_service.estimate.error',
      message: 'Don’t worry, we’re fixing this. We’ll be back for you soon!',
      message_title: 'Don’t worry, we’re fixing this. We’ll be back for you soon!',
      message_severity: 'severe'

May I seek your input on this error? Thank you very much! :)

mychaelgo commented 1 year ago

@ldw129 , please share the full code.. code above is for login request , not for transport estimate

mychaelgo commented 1 year ago

or maybe the service type is not exists in those area

ldw129 commented 1 year ago

Hi @mychaelgo , thank you for your reply! For better clarity, below is the full edited code from:

  1. goid.js
    const { TokenApi } = require('../../../sdk/goid-gojek-node/dist');

const tokenAPI = new TokenApi();

const defaultHeaders = { xAppid: '', xAppversion: '4.59.1', xDeviceos: 'Android,10', xPhonemake: 'Samsung', xPhonemodel: 'GT-S7500', xPlatform: 'Android', xPushtokentype: 'FCM', xUniqueid: '95f99ddd6a5d34a9', xUserType: 'customer' };

const testLoginRequest = async () => { const loginResponse = await tokenAPI.loginRequest({ ...defaultHeaders, loginRequestBody:{ client_id: 'gojek:consumer:app', client_secret: 'pGwQ7oi8bKqqwvid09UrjqpkMEHklb', country_code: '+65', login_type: 'otp_whatsapp', magic_link_ref: '', phone_number: '81464126' } });

console.log({ loginResponse:  });


const testGenerateToken = async () => { const generateTokenResponse = await tokenAPI.generateToken({ ...defaultHeaders, generateTokenRequest: { client_id: 'gojek:consumer:app', client_secret: 'pGwQ7oi8bKqqwvid09UrjqpkMEHklb', data: { otp: '2960', otp_token: 'd477d703-a5d3-43bb-92ce-7423929b0036' }, grant_type: 'otp', scopes: [] } });

console.log({ generateTokenResponse:  });


// testLoginRequest(); testGenerateToken();

2. get-transport-estimate.js

const { TransportApi, Configuration } = require('../../../sdk/api-gojek-node');

const configuration = new Configuration({ accessToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IiJ9.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.OwQZeIjD_l11YuSEQ6Sdm6aqitdl6ny8tvCmilHacuhRsCMpWRvVq-1BWaWg2lyfT0WBtZfe43GuFQcyh-7V1Qmjr16DRhn6bMvqaRXY6gAPYe24C_vXoCIzT9Ieb8DiJkSv9sdxEE8pEHRPs9Mpk3uT6tK5UvetTxrvrFKseq0' });

// const configuration = new Configuration({ // accessToken: process.env.GOJEK_ACCESS_TOKEN // });

const transportAPI = new TransportApi(configuration);

const defaultHeaders = { xAppid: '', xAppversion: '4.59.1', xDeviceos: 'Android,10', xPhonemake: 'Samsung', xPhonemodel: 'GT-S7500', xPlatform: 'Android', xPushtokentype: 'FCM', xUniqueid: '95f99ddd6a5d34a9', xUserType: 'customer', xSessionId: 'd31cc210-a067-4d0d-a52f-199880ea8907', gojekCountryCode: 'ID' };

const getTransportEstimate = async () => {

const getTransportEstimateResponse = await transportAPI.getTransportEstimate({
    sendPrioritisedOrder: true,
    userSelectedServiceType: 1,
    waypoints: '1.3376415,103.6947157|1.3336745,103.6758544'




Just to clarify, I first ran goid.js to get the OTP from Gojek and generate the access token, then I ran get-transport-estimate.js using the access token generated. This was where the error, as mentioned in my first comment above, surfaced.

Thank you!
haiqaldani commented 1 year ago

i wanna ask i get 400 error, im using waypoint in singapore