mycognosist / solar

A minimal Secure Scuttlebutt replication node.
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EBT fails with Patchwork-3.18.1 (`ssb-ebt 5.6.7`) when solar acts as responder #90

Open mycognosist opened 5 months ago

mycognosist commented 5 months ago

solar throws an error because the EBT replicate request from Patchwork does not contain the format field, as expected.

[2024-01-31T08:49:19Z TRACE muxrpc-ebt-handler] Received MUXRPC input: Network(4, RpcRequest(Body { name: ["ebt", "replicate"], rpc_type: Duplex, args: Array [Object {"version": Number(3)}] }))
[2024-01-31T08:49:19Z TRACE ebt-replication] Session error with HEqy940T6uB+T+d9Jaa58aNfRzLx9eRWqkZljBmnkmk=.ed25519 for request number None: Serde JSON error: missing field `format`

This is not a problem with solar, but I wanted to flag it here anyway. EBT replication seems to be working just fine when solar acts as the requester.

CC: @black-puppydog

black-puppydog commented 5 months ago

So patchwork isn't spec compliant?! Color me unsurprised 😆

mycognosist commented 5 months ago

I think the format field must have been introduced in a later version. The ssb-ebt version being used by Patchwork is quite old.