mycognosist / solar

A minimal Secure Scuttlebutt replication node.
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Send end-of-stream request to all active sessions before solar terminates #93

Closed mycognosist closed 5 months ago

mycognosist commented 5 months ago

This behaviour is not spec'd out for EBT so I'm simply following the defined behaviour for classic replication streams.

When solar receives a termination signal, any active EBT session peers are sent an RPC message with both the stream and end/err flags set and a JSON body of true. Upon receiving such a request, a solar peer will send one in response (this is probably unnecessary but seems like good practice nonetheless).

Manyverse does not appear to implement this behaviour; no end-of-stream RPC message is received when terminating Manyverse during an active session (at least not that I can detect). I would much rather have explicit communication in this case.