mycontroller-org / mycontroller-v1-legacy

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Server stops responding post 1 day, only solution start mycontroller again, Java process also disappears. #394

Open hianand opened 7 years ago

hianand commented 7 years ago

Java virtual machine specification Operating system Script engines Java home /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm32-vfp-hflt/jre Java vendor url VM name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM VM vendor Oracle Corporation VM version 25.65-b01 Specification vendor Oracle Corporation Specification version 1.8 Management specification version 1.2 Up time 45 minutes 51 seconds Heap memory Used: 22 MB, Committed: 38 MB, Init: 32 MB, Max: 247 MB Non heap memory Used: 22 MB, Committed: 24 MB, Init: 0 MB, Max: n/a Threads count Current: 40, Peak: 41, Total started: 181, Daemon: 20 Class loading details Loaded: 5293, Unloaded: 36, Total loaded: 5329 Garbage collector - Copy Collection time: 7759, Collection count: 769, Last GC duration: 45 Garbage collector - MarkSweepCompact Collection time: 1008, Collection count: 5, Last GC duration: 296

hianand commented 7 years ago

MyController Version 0.0.3.Final-SNAPSHOT Database schema revision 1.03.06 - 2017 Mar 03 Database type H2 database embedded Database version 1.4.194 (2017-03-10) Git commit:branch 325447088b374854a8c94856e89550a1fb69f609:development Built on 2017-06-09T14:20:35+0530 Build JDK 1.8.0_131 Build tool Apache Maven 3.3.9 Java virtual machine specification VM vendor Oracle Corporation VM name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM VM version 1.8.0_65-b17 Java home /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm32-vfp-hflt/jre Operating system Operating system Linux Architecture arm Version/Kernel 4.4.38-v7+ Location /home/pi/mycontroller/snapshot/mycontroller/

jkandasa commented 6 years ago

@hianand do you see any issues on mycontroller.log file?

hianand commented 6 years ago

Nothing very detailed , thats the strange part. I thought it might be mqtt , i already moved it to raspbian mosquito mqtt, I had enabled twilio sms setup sometime back. I am not sure enabling this twilio sms setup is creating this issue, currently the version does not support disabling those entries. i have setup a cron to restart the service based on your startup script which check if process is active and does not create a new instance. What i see now is that i could login to the server however My Dashboards freezes , to get it restored, i need to restart the mycontroller.