mycurelabs / vue-html2canvas

Vue mixin for Html2Canvas
MIT License
116 stars 23 forks source link

Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: "A is undefined" #12

Closed jfustier closed 5 years ago

jfustier commented 5 years ago

My method :

async print() {
            const el  = this.$refs.printMe;

            const options = {
                type: 'dataURL'

            this.output = await this.$html2canvas(el);


When print function is executed :

Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: "A is undefined"

Package.json :

    "scripts": {
        "serve": "vue-cli-service serve --open",
        "build": "vue-cli-service build",
        "e2e": "node test/e2e/runner.js",
        "lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
        "dev": "vue-cli-service serve --open",
        "lint-fix": "vue-cli-service lint --fix"
    "dependencies": {
        "axios": "^0.18.0",
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        "v-dialogs": "^2.0.3",
        "vue": "^2.6.6",
        "vue-chartjs": "^3.4.0",
        "vue-color": "^2.7.0",
        "vue-cookies": "^1.5.13",
        "vue-draggable-resizable": "^2.0.0-rc1",
        "vue-html2canvas": "0.0.4",
        "vue-i18n": "^8.8.1",
        "vue-router": "^3.0.2",
        "vue-router-prefetch": "^1.4.0",
        "vue-select": "^3.1.0",
        "vue2-datepicker": "^2.11.0",
        "vue2-transitions": "^0.2.3",
        "vuejs-uploader": "^0.6.5"
    "devDependencies": {
        "@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "^3.4.0",
        "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "^3.4.0",
        "@vue/cli-plugin-pwa": "^3.4.0",
        "@vue/cli-service": "^3.4.0",
        "node-sass": "^4.12.0",
        "sass-loader": "^7.1.0",
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        "vue-template-compiler": "^2.6.6"
    "browserslist": [
        "> 1%",
        "last 2 versions",
        "not ie <= 11"
jofftiquez commented 5 years ago

May I see the template?

jfustier commented 5 years ago

I use an another components :


<div v-if="edit" ref="printMe" class="col-lg-6 offset-lg-3 col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-sm-12 mt-3 mb-3 draggableContainer" v-bind:style="{backgroundColor : model.colors.background}">
        <!-- Qrcode -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="qrcode"
                               @dragging="onDragQrcode" @resizing="onResizeQrcode" :parent="true">
            <img :src="qrcode" class="QRcode" />


        <!-- Logo -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="logo" 
                               @dragging="onDragLogo" @resizing="onResizeLogo" :parent="true">

            <p v-if="!" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.text}">Logo</p>
            <img v-else :src="this.$baseURL + '/uploads/' +" alt="Mon logo" />


        <!-- Title -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="title" 
                               @dragging="onDragTitle" @resizing="onResizeTitle" :parent="true">
            <p v-if="!model.fields.title" v-bind:class="model.textPositions.title" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.title}">Title</p>

            <p v-else v-bind:class="model.textPositions.title" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.title}">{{ model.fields.title }}</p>

        <!-- Description -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="description" 
                               @dragging="onDragDescription" @resizing="onResizeDescription" :parent="true">

            <p v-if="!model.fields.description" v-bind:class="model.textPositions.description" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.text}">Description</p>
            <p v-else v-bind:class="model.textPositions.description" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.text}">{{ model.fields.description }}</p>


        <!-- Price -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="price" 
                               @dragging="onDragPrice" @resizing="onResizePrice" :parent="true">

            <p v-bind:class="model.textPositions.price" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.price}">15.00 €</p>


        <!-- Item name -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="itemName" :x="model.objects.itemName.x" 
                               @dragging="onDragItemName" @resizing="onResizeItemName" :parent="true">

            <p v-bind:class="model.textPositions.itemName" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.itemName}">Item name</p>


        <!-- Reference -->
        <v-draggable-resizable v-if="" ref="ref" 
                               @dragging="onDragRef" @resizing="onResizeRef" :parent="true">

            <p v-bind:class="model.textPositions.ref" v-bind:style="{color : model.colors.text, fontSize : model.fontSize.ref}">Reference</p>

jofftiquez commented 5 years ago

Can you add this below the const el = this.$refs.printMe; and show me the output?

console.warn(this.edit, el);

jfustier commented 5 years ago


jfustier commented 5 years ago

uninstall & reinstall have solved this issue for me..

jofftiquez commented 5 years ago

Does it? Good to hear that. I shall close this issue now.