mydrive / capistrano-deploytags

Add timestamped Git tags for each environment on deployment
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Rewritten for Capistrano 3 #22

Closed gavinheavyside closed 10 years ago

gavinheavyside commented 10 years ago

@relistan I've hacked about with this and ended up with a working Capistrano 3 version that behaves pretty much identically to the original. Unfortunately capistrano-spec still seems to be cap 2 only. I can't find a single cap 3 plugin that has tests, so reluctantly I've disabled the specs until I can either think of a way to test it, or a testing framework emerges.

joshmyers commented 10 years ago

Awesome work @gavinheavyside, am in the process of changing deployment process from cap2 to cap3 and this is a big help. Also using which is pretty nice! /me taught by the best :)

relistan commented 10 years ago

This is a nice rewrite for Capistrano 3, Gavin. Thanks for doing that! It's a shame about the tests. One thing I did for Centurion was to break out a lot of logic from the Rake tasks into classes and methods that could be tested, then just call them from the task. Is there room here to do that and get at least some coverage?

relistan commented 10 years ago

@joshmyers awesome to hear from you :)

relistan commented 10 years ago

@gavinheavyside not sure if you saw my other comments, but I'm happy to merge. :+1:

relistan commented 10 years ago

Merged! Need to put together a release.