myers / exwebrtc

Exwebrtc - WebRTC for Elixir - a work in progress
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Any progress on erlang/elixir webrtc support #1

Open smpallen99 opened 8 years ago

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

I'm working on a webrtc softphone gateway to Asterisk using Elixir and Phoenix as the server. So I found your project very interesting. Furthermore, I was disappointed when I learned that DTLS-SRTP was not yet working in Erlang, despite a lot of the code is in the 18.1 release.

My softphone does not use SIP and therefore I'm not using Asterisk's SIP channel driver, but one that we have written. It does not support SRTP at this time.

Are you aware of any working DTLS stack for erlang/elixir? Any idea how far we are away from seeing one?

Thanks, Steve

dfdgsdfg commented 7 years ago

Now Erlang/OTP 19.2 support DTLS. Any progress?

SSL: Experimental version of DTLS. It is runnable but not complete and cannot be considered reliable for production usage. To use DTLS add the option {protocol, dtls} to ssl:connect and ssl:listen.


myers commented 7 years ago

I wish it was as easy as having a DTLS implementation. You also need a userspace SCTP stack. While you will see mention of SCTP in the erlang std lib, it's talking about interfacing with SCTP built into the kernel.

This has a description of what the WebRTC stack looks like:

myers commented 7 years ago

If you only wanted VoIP then you might not need SCTP. What I wanted was to be able to use the data channel, which requires SCTP.