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West update failing when using a Zephyr workspace application #18

Closed rpiper closed 1 month ago

rpiper commented 1 month ago

I have a zephyr application that follows the Zephyr workspace application hierarchy.

Initializing the workspace and setting up the West environment both work without any problem. The west init and west update commands also run without any error. However, the west list -f {path:28} zephyr command is returning the error:

FATAL ERROR: unknown project name/path: zephyr
  Hint: use "west list" to list all projects.

I believe this is due to the Zephyr workspace hierarchy and the way I am selecting west.yml in the workspace.

The workspace looks like this

├─── .west/
│    └── config
└─── app/
     └── .venv/
     └── west.yml (imports zephyr)
├─── bootloader/
├─── modules/
├─── tools/
├─── zephyr/
│    └── west.yml

and I am initializing the workspace by using 'Select west.yml in Workspace' and selecting workspace/app/west.yml

I believe the problem is sets rootPath to workspace/app and runs all the west command with that as the working directory.

Normally, I would run west init -l app and west update from the top level workspace/ directory, however both commands work if run from within the workspace/app directory (and using the absolute path to west.yml as done in west init -l ${westSelection.path})

For some strange reason, west list -f {path:28} zephyr only works if run from the top level workspace/ directory, and returns an error if run from within the workspace/app directory.

Would it be possible to detect this workspace hierarchy and run the west commands from the top level workspace/ directory?

I'm happy to help test any possible workarounds to this issue.

rijesha commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the issue.

Yes this workspace hierarchy should work/be supported.

Could you also post the contents of .west/config and the west.yml?

rijesha commented 1 month ago

So it seems to be working for me. I made a new folder then added app/west.yml. Then I pressed initialize workspace and selected app/west.yml.

This is what my workspace looks like. image

I am able to run west update just fine from both the GUI and the Zephyr IDE terminal

rijesha commented 1 month ago

Is your python environment folder in workspace/.venv

rpiper commented 1 month ago

Is your python environment folder in workspace/.venv

No, it is created in workspace/app/.venv because that is where I selected the west.yml file from.

rpiper commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the issue.

Yes this workspace hierarchy should work/be supported.

Could you also post the contents of .west/config and the west.yml?


    remote: upstream

    - name: upstream

    - name: zephyr
      revision: v3.5.0
      path: zephyr
      import: true

    path: app


path = app
file = west.yml

base = zephyr

I don't think it is handling the case where the app's west.yml is using import: true to include projects from other manifest files.

rijesha commented 1 month ago

Could you post the PATH,VIRTUAL_ENV, and ZEPHYR_BASE when you run the Zephyr IDE: Debug Internal Shell

rijesha commented 1 month ago

The .venv should always be in the workspace folder.

It seems like there is some mixup between the root folder when you setup the app. When dealing with west you should have your workspace_root and the west.yml must always be in a subdirectory of workspace_root. Your west init must be called from workspace_root.

In vscode when you have opened a folder/workspace, have you opened workspace_root or app?

rpiper commented 1 month ago

It seems like there is some mixup between the root folder when you setup the app. When dealing with west you should have your workspace_root and the west.yml must always be in a subdirectory of workspace_root. Your west init must be called from workspace_root.

Understood, this is what I suspected was the issue. My workspace_root has subdirectories app and zephyr, and both directories have a west.yml file. The app/west.yml imports the zephyr/west.yml. This is how Nordic SDK apps are organized, so I was thinking I could do the same with Zephyr IDE. I will reorganize my project to comply with this folder structure.

rijesha commented 1 month ago

I think what you had should have been ok. Isn't it similar to the screenshot I posted above?

Could you share a git repo of your desired workspace that isn't working?

rpiper commented 1 month ago

I think what you had should have been ok. Isn't it similar to the screenshot I posted above?

Not quite, I have a separate west.yml in my app directory that clones the zephyr project and then imports the zephy/west.yml. This strategy allows for the app to be in its own directory, separate from zephyr, tools, bootloader, etc.

Could you share a git repo of your desired workspace that isn't working?

I have setup this example repository for you to test out

rpiper commented 1 month ago

I found the source of all my problems. I wasn't setting the workspace.workspaceFolders correctly in my workspace file.

After finding the bit of code below, I have have adjusted my app.code-workspace file to use the top-level workspace/ directory as the first folder in the workspace folders array.

export function getRootPath() {
  let rootPaths = workspace.workspaceFolders;
  if (rootPaths === undefined) {
  } else {
    return rootPaths[0].uri;

The beginning of my app.code-workspace file (located in workspace/app/) now contains this path to make the entire workspace/ directory the workspace.

    "folders": [
            "path": ".."

After this change, the extension is working perfectly! Thanks for all your help, and this amazingly powerful extension!