mymth / vanillajs-datepicker

A vanilla JavaScript remake of bootstrap-datepicker for Bulma and other CSS frameworks
MIT License
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Disable second input date according to primeiro input #112

Closed italoneves closed 2 years ago

italoneves commented 2 years ago

Put the minimum date of the second entry according to the first entry. I tried the example below but it only updates the minDate on the first selection. Then the second input is out of date.

The datapickerRange doesn't work because it still allows the user to click on a previous date in the second input, I wanted it to be blocked.

mymth commented 2 years ago

Since you call the Datepicker constructor with the end-date input not destroying previously added datepicker in the blur event listener of #novo (I think it's the same element as input[name="foo"]), the following things happen every time when #novo loses the focus (no matter whether you select/change the date or not).

Then, since all the previously added picker elements and event listeners keep functioning, when the end-date input gets the focus, all the picker elements show up at exactly the same position. And since the firstly-added picker stays at the last item of the picker elements, it's always displayed on the top of all other picker elements. As a result, you keep seeing the same picker although a new picker with updated minDate is actually added behind the picker you see.

You are trying to make it in a bit tricky way. It can be done like this.

italoneves commented 2 years ago

I understood!! It worked for me. Thank you very much.