mymth / vanillajs-datepicker

A vanilla JavaScript remake of bootstrap-datepicker for Bulma and other CSS frameworks
MIT License
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navigation with keyboard not working #156

Closed OlliL closed 10 months ago

OlliL commented 11 months ago

Having the focus in a datepicker input field and pressing the <TAB> key, the focus should move to the next field (no tabindex set) on the page. Instead the focus gets reset to the very first element on the page.

The live demo is sufficient to demonstrate that bug:

  1. focus the date field
  2. press <TAB>.

The "readonly" checkbox should gain focus but it doesn't. Navigating in reverse with <SHIFT> + <TAB> works though.

mymth commented 11 months ago

With v1.3 update, I changed the timing to hide/refresh the picker on tab key press from the keydown event to blur. It appears that the problem is caused by that change. I found the following happening after the tab key is pressed:

Adding tabindex="-1" to all the buttons in the picker seems to be working as a solution. So, I'll release the bug fix soon.