mymth / vanillajs-datepicker

A vanilla JavaScript remake of bootstrap-datepicker for Bulma and other CSS frameworks
MIT License
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dynamic daterange behaviour for when "from" is set to a date after "to" or the other way round #160

Open cadeyrn opened 10 months ago

cadeyrn commented 10 months ago

Hello and thank you for your great datepicker! I would need a bit different behaviour for the daterange if the user selects a start date after the end date or an end date before the starts date.

Let's have a look at the current behaviour:

  1. Default: | from: [ 15.08.2023 ] to: [ 22.08.2023 ] |
  2. The user changes the "from" field to 28.08.2023 (a date after the current to date)
  3. The datepicker does the following: | from: [ 22.08.2023 ] to: [ 28.08.2023 ] |

Instead I expect the following, because the user has explicitly changed the "from" field and not the "to" field:

| from: [ 28.08.2023 ] to: [ 04.09.2023 ] |

Or the other way round, again at first the current behaviour:

  1. Default: | from: [ 15.08.2023 ] to: [ 22.08.2023 ] |
  2. The user changes the "to" field to 13.08.2023 (a date before the current from date)
  3. The datepicker does the following: | from: [ 13.08.2023 ] to: [ 15.08.2023 ] |

Instead I expect the following, because the user has explicitly changed the "to" field and not the "from" field:

| from: [ 06.08.2023 ] to: [ 13.08.2023 ] |

The difference between the dates should be the same as before the change (as long as it's allowed by the min/max dates).

I already tried to solve it by changing the other date in the changeDate event but it didn't work well because that fires changeDate events as well and I can't execute code only for the original change.

Would it be possible to implement something that makes this use case possible? Or are you even aware of a way to do something like this in the current version?

mymth commented 10 months ago

Maybe you can do something like this.

cadeyrn commented 10 months ago

Thank you very much! I'll try once I am in the office again, but this looks very promising.

cadeyrn commented 10 months ago

I have now integrated your solution and can confirm that this works flawlessly. Thanks again!