myndzi / simple-token-bucket

Straightforward token bucket implementation with no extra entanglements
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Please provide an OSS license with your code #2

Open TrentBrown opened 1 week ago

TrentBrown commented 1 week ago

I'd really like to use your code in my company's paid product, but since you've not specified a license, the default applies, which is that you retain all rights to it. Is this what you intended? If not, could I ask you to choose a license like the MIT or Apache licenses? Thanks much!

myndzi commented 1 week ago

The default (ISC) license for NPM is the intended licens, and is specified in package.json. By my understanding, it's equivalent to the MIT license?

I haven't dealt rigorously with licensing concerns before; can you be more specific about what I should do to satisfy your need here? And, if the ISC license is unsuitable, can you explain why MIT is preferable?