Currently, MyNixOS only tracks 24.05. While this is understandable, it causes a lot of confusion for users who are looking for a package that's been added to unstable, yet they can't find it when searching.
Ideally, a user would be able to choose the branch they're tracking. I think a GUI option for this makes the most sense: the amount of things that can be done text-only in MyNixOS is wonderful, but a text option is inherently hidden from the user unless used. Some form of dropdown for selecitng a branch would be perfect. Tracking the latest stable and unstable branch is enough, in my opinion.
If this won't be added, a relevant error message when no packages are found could be nice, saying "Your package may not be on an unstable branch, which MyNixOS is currently unable to track".
Currently, MyNixOS only tracks 24.05. While this is understandable, it causes a lot of confusion for users who are looking for a package that's been added to unstable, yet they can't find it when searching.
Ideally, a user would be able to choose the branch they're tracking. I think a GUI option for this makes the most sense: the amount of things that can be done text-only in MyNixOS is wonderful, but a text option is inherently hidden from the user unless used. Some form of dropdown for selecitng a branch would be perfect. Tracking the latest stable and unstable branch is enough, in my opinion.
If this won't be added, a relevant error message when no packages are found could be nice, saying "Your package may not be on an unstable branch, which MyNixOS is currently unable to track".