Open webdiverblue opened 4 years ago
I posted this fix on the Premium Telegram last year.
I have SSH to mynode on OSX working with Tor Browser using these instructions 🤓 :
brew install nmap
Launch Tor Browser and wait for it to connect (port 9150)
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ncat --proxy-type socks5 --proxy %h %p" admin@mynodesshtoraddress.onion -p 22022
I have also been able to get brew's tor working on 9050 by running $ tor
in a separate terminal tab
For Linux $ sudo apt install nmap
I'm still not sure why WebSSH does not work via Tor. I randomly saw it work once or twice, but using SSH directly, like @InfiniteQE shows, does seem to work very consistently.
You need to allow additional permissions. Look at the address bar and click on the icon to the left of the 'onion' (looks like a picture, mountain and sun maybe?). Allow "Extract Canvas Data" and reload and it will look fine. I don't know the security implications, but since its your node I imagine it's fine.
That is awesome! Thanks for the tip - worked perfectly. I never knew why it worked once and failed for most other nodes I tried it on.
How can i fix this?