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BTCpayServer issue with NBXplorer #659

Open zbajor1 opened 2 years ago

zbajor1 commented 2 years ago

I have a problem with btcpayserver


The node is offline
Last error: Name or service not known (nbxplorer:32838)

After fresh install and full sync +btcpay enabled i got that error on btcpay start page, i am running latest 0.2.55 mynodebtc and TCPay Server v1.5.1.0 on VM

after inspection i found error in docker container nicolasdorier/nbxplorer:2.3.16 (this container restart every few sec )

info: Configuration: Data Directory: /datadir info: Configuration: Configuration File: /datadir/Main/settings.config info: Configuration: Network: Mainnet Unhandled exception. System.FormatException: Invalid RPC Credential string at NBitcoin.RPC.RPCCredentialString.Parse(String str) at NBitcoin.RPC.RPCClient..ctor(String authenticationString, Uri address, Network network) at NBitcoin.RPC.RPCClient..ctor(NetworkCredential credentials, Uri address, Network network) at NBXplorer.Configuration.RPCArgs.ConfigureRPCClient(NBXplorerNetwork networkInformation) in /source/NBXplorer/Configuration/RPCArgs.cs:line 54 at NBXplorer.Configuration.ExplorerConfiguration.LoadArgs(IConfiguration config) in /source/NBXplorer/Configuration/ExplorerConfiguration.cs:line 138 at NBXplorer.Program.Main(String[] args) in /source/NBXplorer/Program.cs:line 40

seems like RPC credentials are issue here

i dont know how to fix it, i had no problems with mynodebtc before

is there anyone who can help here ?

Best Regards

tehelsper commented 2 years ago

Try a re-install of BTC Pay Server after upgrading. In the most recent release the install process of BTC Pay has been totally revamped. Also, the next release will have another BTC Pay update.