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BTC RPC Explorer #837

Open cocktailsk opened 7 months ago

cocktailsk commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug when trying to acccess BTC RPC Explorer Im getting the below error message: This explorer currently is failing to connect to your Bitcoin Core node. Check your connection details (host & port for Bitcoin Core), as well as your authentication details (username, password, etc). All of these parameters need to be specified in a ".env" file or via commandline parameters. See the project homepage to review how to configure this explorer.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

MyNode hardware (please complete the following information):

Mynode was manually upgraded to 0.3.24 when checking the log I see the .env file is missing in /home/bitcoin/.config/

Dec 21 09:50:57 myNode btcrpcexplorer[22093]: 2023-12-21T15:50:57.859Z btcexp:app Config file found at /opt/mynode/btc-rpc-explorer/.env, loading... Dec 21 09:50:57 myNode btcrpcexplorer[22093]: 2023-12-21T15:50:57.859Z btcexp:app Config file not found at /etc/btc-rpc-explorer/.env, continuing... Dec 21 09:50:57 myNode btcrpcexplorer[22093]: 2023-12-21T15:50:57.858Z btcexp:app Config file not found at /home/bitcoin/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env, continuing...

tehelsper commented 7 months ago

The upgrade may not have worked. You could try starting with a fresh image. A script with this line should be running before the app starts that sets up the env file.

cp /usr/share/mynode/btcrpcexplorer_env /opt/mynode/btc-rpc-explorer/.env

davterra commented 1 week ago

This is still open, and looking on Telegram it appears to still be a widespread issue. It's a current problem for my instance of myNode. Has there been any further progress on this?