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Vera PDF validation fails with metadata tags #6

Open JTe-git opened 1 year ago

JTe-git commented 1 year ago

Vera PDF validation is failing when using metadata tags with en error:

If a document information dictionary does appear at a document, then all of its entries that have analogous properties in predefined XMP schemas, shall also be embedded in the file in XMP form with equivalent values.

Specification: ISO 19005-1:2005, Clause: 6.7.3, Test number: 1

Vera PDF can fix this, but it would be good to have the correct format directly with img2pdf. The legacy tags are as at the moment:

<< /Author (--Author Name--) /CreationDate (D:20231016123139Z) /Creator (--Document Creator--) /ModDate (D:20231016123139Z) /Producer (img2pdf 0.4.4) >>

Current img2pdf generated XMP:

<?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:iX="">
  <rdf:Description xmlns:pdf="" rdf:about="" pdf:Producer="img2pdf 0.4.4"/>
  <rdf:Description xmlns:xmp="" rdf:about="">
  <rdf:Description xmlns:pdfaid="" rdf:about="" pdfaid:part="1" pdfaid:conformance="B"/>
<?xpacket end="w"?>

The validated XMP code generated by Vera PDF (notice for Creator we use xmp:CreatorTool and for Author pdfaid and dc:creator as there is no xmp:Author):

<?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.1.0-jc003">
  <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
    <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
      <pdf:Producer>img2pdf 0.4.4</pdf:Producer>

      <xmp:CreatorTool>--Document Creator--</xmp:CreatorTool>
          <rdf:li>--Author Name--</rdf:li>

<?xpacket end="w"?>