mypaint / website

The MyPaint project website. Currently in beta.
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Transfer MyPaint.Org Domain #1

Open odysseywestra opened 4 months ago

odysseywestra commented 4 months ago

@jonnor would you be interested in transferring the domain to the same place as the domain? We are working on getting a new website up and running that is being made by @AesaraB. The plan is to make the domain just forward to the domain. To do that, I need to transfer all the .app DNS info over to the .org domain. and since we have no access to the mythicbeast's nameservers, it is currently impossible to do that. Also it is easier to do a domain forwarding within the same domain host than it is from two separate accounts. I can handle the costs of the domain registration through the Open Collective we set up a few years back and want to start using those funds to handle the day-to-day costs for domains, development, and the community forums.

I also would be interested in inviting you and any of the @mypaint/core team to be admins to help accept or decline transaction requests. Plus I would like some accountability before I feel comfortable to using the funds.

Let me know if you want to move forward.

Jehan commented 4 months ago

Hi! I'm happy to participate to the move and to be an admin for MyPaint.

As GIMP maintainer, we are trying to setup our own thing right now, and I won't likely request any budget myself, but we definitely want MyPaint to evolve and get sustainable. You are important to the ecosystem.

And not only because of libmypaint (which we use in GIMP! 💌), but also because MyPaint itself is a great software which should find a model to continue. 👍

I just created an account on OpenCollective:

jonnor commented 4 months ago

Hi. Yes, I am completely open to transferring the domain to a registrar in control of active administrators. Just give me the instructions (probably per email), and I will try to get to it within a week or so.

It would be highly beneficial if the registrar is accessible by multiple people. Is that currently the case?

martinxyz commented 4 months ago

As you know, I prefer to hand out the keys to anyone who is actually doing work :-) Which I'm currently not. But if you can't find enough people to serve as a back-up for something, then drop me a note, I'll still do that.

odysseywestra commented 4 months ago

Thank you all for stepping up to help me figure this out.

@jonnor With regards to instructions its a simple as unlocking the domain and sending me a Auth Code to initiate a transfer. Can take up to a week for the transfer to complete, but hover is fairly fast and I'm not in a hurry for it to complete. The email on my profile is attached to a protonmail account so if you have a protonmail that should make secure email a breeze. If not, I do have a matrix account I can give you that we can secure chat on that as well.

With regards to password sharing, I thought about using Bitwarden but it can cost a fair bit the more users we add to the organization. I can do a family account, but we would be limited to 6 users don't have fine grain groups and permissions which I can work without. I am doing a free organization test with @jplloyd at the moment and he is set as the owner of the organization account. I don't know if Bitwarden has gifted organization account to opensource projects so I'll just have to ask and find out. I'm open to other ideas, but I'm partial to Bitwarden since I personally use it too.

@Jehan Thank you volunteering to help me the open collective account and being a true third party to help keep it organize and me accountable. The one thing I need help is creating tiers and be a voice in what we are doing with the funds. Right now it's mainly being used to cover the costs of the domains and in the future will be used to cover the costs of the community fourms and costs for github if any. If you are okay with helping with that and get a sense on how open collective works and whether you want to use it for GIMP. If you do, I'll be happy to be part of that collective too.

@martinxyz Thank you. I'm glad you are still around. If you are interested, you could help @AesaraB with documentation of the brush engine since you of all us have a better understanding of how it works.

AesaraB commented 4 months ago

@odysseywestra In the long run it may be cheaper to self-host all of our services e.g. password sharing, cms, email, and community forums in one place. This could come in the form of getting a dedicated server and running services through podman/docker.

Jehan commented 4 months ago

@Jehan Thank you volunteering to help me the open collective account and being a true third party to help keep it organize and me accountable.

@odysseywestra I'm not only a third-party by the way, but even at times a (small time) MyPaint contributor. ;-)

In any case, I'm happy to help. I was a bit sad to see the low (or even near absence of) activity around MyPaint for 2 years. So it's nice if it can get back.

The one thing I need help is creating tiers

Tiers are things like "Backer" vs. "Sponsor" vs. "Donation" in the current page? If so, my advice (from years of doing crowdfunding myself and having made many of the possible mistakes about it) is to keep it simple. Don't go and do complicated stuff. Most people are just happy to donate and aren't there for rewards or complicated process.

So yeah the current tiers seem fine to me. Unless I misunderstood what tiers are on OpenCollective and you were talking about something else.

Right now it's mainly being used to cover the costs of the domains and in the future will be used to cover the costs of the community fourms and costs for github if any. If you are okay with helping with that

Sure. It's sad if all the funds do are supporting costs (which should be fairly minimal). I was hoping your goal would have been to be able to fund developers like yourself or any others who would make MyPaint into a great painting application. :-)

Of course you'd have to develop funding (right now it's too low for this), but if you tell explicitly people that they can help MyPaint to be developed more actively, I know you can raise more funds than currently (where development has been mostly abandoned for years).

Anyway whatever you decide to do with funds, I'm happy to help with my voice. These days, I'm not sure I can help a lot with code as my hands are very full with GIMP. But helping on the admin side is not a problem (I definitely know the "accountability" problem as I am doing similar process on GIMP and always want to get others to help me by at least voicing their concerns).

how open collective works and whether you want to use it for GIMP. If you do, I'll be happy to be part of that collective too.

I don't know more than this how OpenCollective works. As you saw, I created my account just now for you (I have heard of OpenCollective for years but never had to subscribe). Though I'd be happy to discover the internal working with you as we go.

And we don't use it for GIMP nor plan to (at this point in time at least). We are also working on improving our funding in order to be able to make developer grants and better spend our funds, but by tightening our links with the GNOME Foundation right now.

By the way I'd be happy to discuss with you about our own plans at GIMP if that can help you organize and have ideas. GIMP is clearly in a different situation though, but I also have much more generic knowledge on funding because I studied a lot what others FLOSS projects have been doing and also because of experience with our Libre Art project where we started from scratch.

So yeah basically I can advise, I can give my voice to validate spending (or raise concerns), and also share experience. I was mostly just happy to see that MyPaint project may have been looking for a bit of sustainability and I want to support the project in that.

AesaraB commented 4 months ago

Sure. It's sad if all the funds do are supporting costs (which should be fairly minimal). I was hoping your goal would have been to be able to fund developers like yourself or any others who would make MyPaint into a great painting application. :-)

@jehan A better incentive to both get users to pay for MyPaint and get developers fixing MyPaint are bug/feature bounties.

The reason I'm working on MyPaint isn't because I think I can make money off of it -- The amount of money any potential developer could make will end up severely undervaluing their labour.

Rather, I'm developing for MyPaint because I too, want a beautiful open source painting application. So, I will work on features I would like, not necessarily features that MyPaint needs. That's where something like bounties could come in.

Jehan commented 4 months ago

@Jehan A better incentive to both get users to pay for MyPaint and get developers fixing MyPaint are bug/feature bounties.

I completely disagree. I think that the bounties system is perverting a lot of the donation system.

Rather, I'm developing for MyPaint because I too, want a beautiful open source painting application. So, I will work on features I would like, not necessarily features that MyPaint needs.

So you use MyPaint. Why would the features you like be different from the ones MyPaint need? With our project, we improved a lot GIMP because we use it too, professionally. I work with an artist who uses it all day long. She also gives university courses with GIMP. And more. We also care about stability enormously and some of the first things we worked on, years ago when we started contributing, were fixing bugs, crashes, etc. The kind of things which a bounty system doesn't care about. But professionals and hardcore users do actually care about stable software (often more than features, or at least as importantly, because a very featureful software which is unstable is not so useful in the end). That's unfortunately the kind of things which bounties don't account for very much.

The problem with choosing features by bounties has many faces:

Now I'm just giving my opinion and if MyPaint project as a whole decided to go this way, it's their choice. If I am given a voice, I'd vote against this but I am all for community decisions in the end. :-)

The reason I'm working on MyPaint isn't because I think I can make money off of it -- The amount of money any potential developer could make will end up severely undervaluing their labour.

Sure. Anyway right now, the amount I see on this page, there is clearly nothing of the sort you can do with it. I would not suggest to pay anyone right now (and possibly not in foreseeable future, because I doubt you'd get crazy funds immediately). I was mostly wondering what was the end goal. Maybe all of you have jobs they love and don't care at all about paid FLOSS development. And all you want is to have a bit of funds for small expenses. Then it's fine. Just forget everything I said. But if the long goal is that maybe something could be done to pay development (even if it means in several years)…

Now MyPaint can probably increase its funds (not too hard seeing how it was mostly asleep for years). Personally if you had a bit more funds from donation, my suggestion would be absolutely not to use it for "bounties" but for community expenses. Like hardware for long time contributors when needed, meetups of the core team, etc.

That's what we always did for GIMP. Actually we even did this a bit for MyPaint as we invited one of your (past, I think? As it doesn't look like @briend is active anymore) maintainer to LGM a few years ago, all expenses paid.

Basically protect your community, the people who make the project what it is. That's my suggestion as a general rule. 🤗

AesaraB commented 4 months ago

I'm going to leave the conversation at that, as the project's strategy for picking up and holding onto long-term developers and keeping the infrastructure running is an entire discussion unto itself.

Jehan commented 4 months ago

Sure. Sorry for diverging. On my side it was mostly about the OpenCollective link and call for people to help (and I am happy to help). This conversation can happen another day. ;-)

AesaraB commented 4 months ago

Off topic discussion has been moved to the discourse forums, you can log into the forums with GitHub.

odysseywestra commented 4 months ago

@jonnor let me know when you are ready. If you want to use Matrix instead of my email, it should be discoverable via my email as well.

AesaraB commented 4 months ago

@jonnor bumping this thread, now lands on a domain expiry page.

odysseywestra commented 3 months ago

@jonnor just checking in with ya about the domain transfer. I did email you about that as well.