Closed nunnsy closed 5 years ago
The best you can do is post the whole python source, or at least minimal amount of code that could be executed to reproduce such crash. Otherwise it's pointless to speculate what could be happening without knowing what your program actually does.
Not a problem, @rjonaitis - please excuse the messy code, it's been highly dynamic in trying to get initial tests to work smoothly.
The file which you saw run is:
import sys
sys.path.append("..") # Adds higher directory to python modules path.
import array, os
import numpy as np
from scipy import fftpack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import math
import time
import threading
from lib.pySnowcone.sdr.limesdr import LimeSdr
samples = 512
limey = LimeSdr(431e6, 10e6)
# fa ="./fifoA", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT)
# fb ="./fifoB", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT)
ea0 = np.array([1]*samples, np.complex64)
ea1 = np.array([1]*samples, np.complex64)
big_boi = np.array([0]*samples*100, np.complex64)
f_s = limey.get_sample_rate()["rx0"]
def tx_carrier():
wave_freq = 1e6
rate = 10000000
tx_stream = limey.get_tx_stream()
sdr = limey.get_sdr()
ampl = 0.8
phase_acc = 0
phase_inc = 2*math.pi*wave_freq/rate
stream_mtu = sdr.getStreamMTU(tx_stream)
samps_chan = np.array([ampl]*stream_mtu, np.complex64)
time_last_print = time.time()
total_samps = 0
while True:
phase_acc_next = phase_acc + stream_mtu*phase_inc
phases = np.linspace(phase_acc, phase_acc_next, stream_mtu)
samps_chan = ampl*np.exp(1j * phases).astype(np.complex64)
phase_acc = phase_acc_next
while phase_acc > math.pi * 2:
phase_acc -= math.pi * 2
print("Write 1")
status = sdr.writeStream(tx_stream, [samps_chan], samps_chan.size, timeoutUs=100000000)
print("Write 2")
if status.ret != samps_chan.size:
# raise Exception("Expected writeStream() to consume all samples! %d" % status.ret)
print("Expected writeStream() to consume all samples! %d" % status.ret)
total_samps += status.ret
if time.time() > time_last_print + 5.0:
rate = total_samps / (time.time() - time_last_print) / 1e6
print("Python siggen rate: %f Msps" % rate)
total_samps = 0
time_last_print = time.time()
def rx_chain():
global big_boi
sdr = limey.get_sdr()
rxs = limey.get_rx_stream()
while True:
# print("#0")
# print("SDR: " + str(sdr))
# print("RXS: " + str(rxs))
# print("ea0: " + str(hash(
# print("ea1: " + str(hash(
sr = sdr.readStream(rxs, [ea0, ea1], len(ea0))
# power, psd_freq = plt.psd(ea0, NFFT=1024, Fs=limey.get_sample_rate()["rx0"]/1e6, Fc=2.4e9/1e6)
# print("#1")
if (sr.ret > 0):
big_boi = np.concatenate((ea0[0:sr.ret], big_boi[0:-sr.ret]))
# print("#2")
# print("#3")
plt.specgram(big_boi, NFFT=samples, Fs=f_s, Fc=431e6)
# print("#4")
And the LimeSdr file contains:
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import SoapySDR
from SoapySDR import *
def generate_cf32_pulse(num_samps, width=5, scale_factor=0.3):
"""Create a sinc pulse."""
rel_time = np.linspace(-width, width, num_samps)
pulse = np.sinc(rel_time).astype(np.complex64)
return pulse * scale_factor
# This is for the big LimeSDR
MAXIMUM_SAMPLE_RATE = 61400000 # 61.4 MHz
# Share the maximum sample rate between the three channels
class LimeSdr:
def __init__(self, frequency, bandwidth, \
args = dict(driver="lime")
self._sdr = SoapySDR.Device(args)
if not self._sdr.hasHardwareTime():
# Can't syncronise receive channels
raise Exception('this device does not support timed streaming')
# Configure port usage
self._sdr.setAntenna(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, "LNAW")
self._sdr.setAntenna(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 1, "LNAW")
# TODO May need to change this antenna
self._sdr.setAntenna(SOAPY_SDR_TX, TX_CHANNEL, "BAND1")
# Delay 1st channel by this much to align data.
# If negative, 2nd channel must be delayed.
self._sample_offset = 0
self._sdr.setGain(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, rx_gain)
self._sdr.setGain(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 1, rx_gain)
self._sdr.setGain(SOAPY_SDR_TX, TX_CHANNEL, tx_gain)
# self.start_rx_stream()
# self.start_tx_stream()
def set_sample_rate(self, sample_rate):
self._sdr.setSampleRate(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, sample_rate)
self._sdr.setSampleRate(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 1, sample_rate)
self._sdr.setSampleRate(SOAPY_SDR_TX, TX_CHANNEL, sample_rate)
def get_sample_rate(self):
return {
"rx0" : self._sdr.getSampleRate(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0),
"rx1" : self._sdr.getSampleRate(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 1),
"tx0" : self._sdr.getSampleRate(SOAPY_SDR_TX, 0)
def set_bandwidth(self, bandwidth):
self._sdr.setBandwidth(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, bandwidth)
self._sdr.setBandwidth(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 1, bandwidth)
self._sdr.setBandwidth(SOAPY_SDR_TX, TX_CHANNEL, bandwidth)
def set_frequency(self, frequency):
self._sdr.setFrequency(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, frequency)
self._sdr.setFrequency(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 1, frequency)
self._sdr.setFrequency(SOAPY_SDR_TX, TX_CHANNEL, frequency)
def setup_rx_stream(self):
self._rx_stream = self._sdr.setupStream(SOAPY_SDR_RX, SOAPY_SDR_CF32, \
def start_rx_stream(self):
self._sdr.activateStream(self._rx_stream, SOAPY_SDR_HAS_TIME)
def setup_tx_stream(self):
self._tx_stream = self._sdr.setupStream(SOAPY_SDR_TX, SOAPY_SDR_CF32, \
def start_tx_stream(self):
self._sdr.activateStream(self._tx_stream, SOAPY_SDR_HAS_TIME)
def get_sdr(self):
return self._sdr
def get_rx_stream(self):
return self._rx_stream
def get_tx_stream(self):
return self._tx_stream
def find_sync(self, num_tx_samps=2000, num_rx_samps=10000):
tx_pulse = generate_cf32_pulse(num_tx_samps)
tx_time_0 = int(self._sdr.getHardwareTime() + 0.5e9) #500ms
status = self._sdr.writeStream(self._tx_stream, [tx_pulse], len(tx_pulse), tx_flags, tx_time_0)
if status.ret != len(tx_pulse):
raise Exception('transmit failed %s'%str(status))
#receive slightly before transmit time
rx0_buffs = np.array([], np.complex64)
rx1_buffs = np.array([], np.complex64)
#half of the samples come before the transmit time
rate = self.get_sample_rate()["rx0"]
receive_time = int(tx_time_0 - (num_rx_samps/rate) * 1e9 / 2)
# self._sdr.activateStream(self._rx_stream, rx_flags, receive_time, num_rx_samps)
self._sdr.activateStream(self._rx_stream, rx_flags, receive_time)
rx_time_0 = None
total_samples = 0
#accumulate receive buffer into large contiguous buffer
while True:
rx0_buff = np.array([0]*1024, np.complex64)
rx1_buff = np.array([0]*1024, np.complex64)
timeout_us = int(5e5) #500 ms >> stream time
status = self._sdr.readStream(self._rx_stream, [rx0_buff, rx1_buff], len(rx0_buff), timeoutUs=timeout_us)
#stash time on first buffer
if status.ret > 0 and rx0_buffs.size:
rx_time_0 = status.timeNs
if (status.flags & SOAPY_SDR_HAS_TIME) == 0:
raise Exception('receive fail - no timestamp on first readStream %s'%(str(status)))
#accumulate buffer or exit loop
if total_samples <= num_rx_samps:
total_samples += status.ret
rx0_buffs = np.concatenate((rx0_buffs, rx0_buff[:status.ret]))
rx1_buffs = np.concatenate((rx1_buffs, rx1_buff[:status.ret]))
# #cleanup streams
# print("Cleanup streams")
# sdr.deactivateStream(tx_stream)
# sdr.closeStream(rx_stream)
# sdr.closeStream(tx_stream)
#check resulting buffer
if len(rx0_buffs) < num_rx_samps:
raise Exception(
'receive fail 0 - captured samples %d out of %d'%(len(rx0_buffs), num_rx_samps))
if len(rx1_buffs) < num_rx_samps:
raise Exception(
'receive fail 1 - captured samples %d out of %d'%(len(rx1_buffs), num_rx_samps))
if rx_time_0 is None:
raise Exception('receive fail - no valid timestamp')
#clear initial samples because transients
rx0_mean = np.mean(rx0_buffs)
for i in range(len(rx0_buffs) // 100):
rx0_buffs[i] = rx0_mean
rx1_mean = np.mean(rx1_buffs)
for i in range(len(rx1_buffs) // 100):
rx1_buffs[i] = rx1_mean
#normalize the samples
def normalize(samps):
samps = samps - np.mean(samps) #remove dc
samps = np.absolute(samps) #magnitude
samps = samps / max(samps) #norm ampl to peak
# print (samps)
return samps
tx_pulse_norm = normalize(tx_pulse)
rx0_buffs_norm = normalize(rx0_buffs)
rx1_buffs_norm = normalize(rx1_buffs)
# #dump debug samples
# if dump_dir is not None:
#, 'txNorm.npy'), tx_pulse_norm)
#, 'rxNorm.npy'), rx_buffs_norm)
#, 'rxRawI.npy'), np.real(rx_buffs))
#, 'rxRawQ.npy'), np.imag(rx_buffs))
#look for the for peak index for time offsets
rx0_argmax_index = np.argmax(rx0_buffs_norm)
rx1_argmax_index = np.argmax(rx1_buffs_norm)
tx_argmax_index = np.argmax(tx_pulse_norm)
#check goodness of peak by comparing argmax and correlation
rx0_coor_index = np.argmax(np.correlate(rx0_buffs_norm, tx_pulse_norm)) + len(tx_pulse_norm) // 2
rx1_coor_index = np.argmax(np.correlate(rx1_buffs_norm, tx_pulse_norm)) + len(tx_pulse_norm) // 2
# if abs(rx0_coor_index-rx0_argmax_index) > len(tx_pulse_norm)/4:
# raise Exception(
# 'correlation(%d) 0 does not match argmax(%d), probably bad data' %
# (rx0_coor_index, rx0_argmax_index))
# if abs(rx1_coor_index-rx1_argmax_index) > len(tx_pulse_norm)/4:
# raise Exception(
# 'correlation(%d) 1 does not match argmax(%d), probably bad data' %
# (rx1_coor_index, rx1_argmax_index))
#calculate time offset
tx_peak_time = int(tx_time_0 + (tx_argmax_index / rate) * 1e9)
rx0_peak_time = int(rx_time_0 + (rx0_argmax_index / rate) * 1e9)
rx1_peak_time = int(rx_time_0 + (rx1_argmax_index / rate) * 1e9)
time_delta_0 = rx0_peak_time - tx_peak_time
time_delta_1 = rx1_peak_time - tx_peak_time
print('>>> Time delta %f us'%((time_delta_1 - time_delta_0) / 1e3))
self._sample_offset = rx1_argmax_index - rx0_argmax_index
print('>>> Sample Delta %d'%(self._sample_offset))
With my so far limited experience with SoapySDR, I figured the best way to synchronise two channels was following examples by @guruofquality :
I figured, once a delay is measured, those streams should remain open. I understand that the buffer will fill in the mean time, and I'll need to empty it out again before the synchronised streaming occurs, but using the same streams should, after the buffer empty, have roughly the same sample delay?
If I am going about this completely wrong, please let me know and I'll pursue another avenue. I am tempted to move over to C/C++ due to the large amounts of streaming data I want to work with in the future. If this helps sort out streaming problems now, that would be even more reason to do so.
Hi, I ran your code and found one place where SoapyLMS7 segfaults in Rx. For me, it now longer crashes after 8ee7053c1043262dbc78730a53525398e50c2355. Could you confirm that it fixes your problem?
Hi @IgnasJarusevicius,
I will test it as soon as I have the opportunity (next few days). Thank you for alerting me to this update!
Seems to have fixed the stability! Awesome, thank you for the assistance. 😄
I've been trying to develop an application using the Python SoapySDR interface for a LimeSDR. When streaming samples over time, after some time (it varies), the Python interpreter crashes with a segfault.
Below is a snippet of the code running. Then the output in my terminal.
Are there any further things I can look at within the Python environment to better narrow this down? It appears all objects being used for the
function seem valid. This error occurs (usually) after 10 loops, but can last for over 60 before an error appears.I'm assuming the issue will be contained within:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!