myriadrf / RASDR

Radio Astronomy Software Defined Radio
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Astronomy applications and experiments guide #3

Open bvacaliuc opened 9 years ago

bvacaliuc commented 9 years ago

A document that describes a set of achievable experiments for astronomy observations with RASDR2. Several criteria are desirable:

  1. experiments should have a range of difficulty, with a skill level clearly indicated
  2. a step-by-step procedure with required materials and construction notes
  3. expected output/screenshots to give confidence that folks are 'on the right track'
mahrud commented 9 years ago

I might be able to help with the first criteria, at least for beginner or intermediate level experiments. Few projects that come to mind: Mapping Milky Way galaxy using 21cm wavelength antenna; Setting up an interferometry array for looking at pulsars; (not 100% sure) Meteorology related projects (detecting aurora, meteors, etc.)

bvacaliuc commented 9 years ago

Hi Mahrud,

Thats great! Thanks so much!

Re: 21cm. Some of our collaborators in France are working with 21cm [1] and produced an excellent video [2](in 2012 with other electronics); they are interested in connecting the RASDR2 to this telescope. I think a write-up on how to perform these type of observations and visualize them would inspire so many people.

Re: interferometry. Excellent! I think the DigiRED design leads itself to this with the sampling of the pulse-per-second GPIO input along with the data stream. Joe Taylor gave an excellent talk on Amateur Pulsar Detection at the 2014 SARA Annual Conference.

Re: Meteorology. I'm interested in learning more about how RF plays a part in this!

I'm cc: David Fields and Stan Kurtz. Guys, Mahrud is intererested in helping the project by writing up astronomy applications.

By the way, is that your post on the forum? If so, sorry for not seeing your post back in May. My day job gets the best of me... :)

Thanks again and Welcome!


[1] [2]

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Mahrud Sayrafi wrote:

I might be able to help with the first criteria, at least for beginner or intermediate level experiments. Few projects that come to mind: Mapping Milky Way galaxy using 21cm wavelength antenna; Setting up an interferometry array for looking at pulsars; (not 100% sure) Meteorology related projects (detecting aurora, meteors, etc.)

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fieldsde commented 8 years ago

Mahrud and Bogdan, RASDR developers and Users may enjoy the RASDR Users Group at

The RASDR Users Manual is a download from the Users group, or one can find a copy at

In any event, is a great site to visit and download the latest RASDR software. Cheers, David