myriadrf / snapcraft-sandbox

A sandbox for snaps
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Create snap for GQRX #5

Closed guruofquality closed 8 years ago

guruofquality commented 8 years ago

This is meant to be a GQRX-only app. So this means building gnuradio without GRC and without python. I dont believe GRC can coexist since GQRX is a qt app, and GRC is gtk based. GNU Radio may need mods to support the $SNAP root directory or other snap user data dirs

guruofquality commented 8 years ago

There are some apparmor protection issues around /dev/shm which is used by pulseaudio. And pulseaudio is like a device fallback for GQRX. It seems to be locking up, so we need to address this:

Edit: Found an existing plug for pulseaudio:

guruofquality commented 8 years ago

Closing this, it works. We just need some usb permissions to test things better.