mysensors / MySensors

MySensors library and examples
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Mysgw configure: Exit on illegal parameters #1519

Closed mfalkvidd closed 2 years ago

mfalkvidd commented 2 years ago

The user probably made a mistake. Let the user correct the mistake before continuing.


Example output after this change: $ ./configure --my-transport=laser [SECTION] Detecting target machine. [OK] machine detected: SoC=unknown, Type=unknown, CPU=x86_64. [SECTION] Checking GPIO Sysfs. [WARNING] /sys/class/gpio/export not found. [SECTION] Detecting SPI driver. [WARNING] No supported SPI driver detected. Using SPIDEV. [SECTION] Gateway configuration. [OK] Type: ethernet. [ERROR] Invalid transport type laser. $ ./configure --my-mqtt-username=user [ERROR] Unknown option detected: --my-mqtt-username=user