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Update MyTransportPJON.cpp #1526

Closed gryzli133 closed 1 year ago

gryzli133 commented 2 years ago

Enabling to define different value of PJON_POLLING_DURATION

Tico06 commented 1 year ago

Hi There, Looks like we have similar issue here Failed to copy /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MySensors/jobs/MySensors/branches/PR-1520/workspace/MySensors/hal/transport/PJON/driver/PJONDefines.h:207 to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MySensors/jobs/MySensors/branches/PR-1520/builds/6/workspace-files/fe1411a2.tmp Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MySensors/jobs/MySensors/branches/PR-1520/workspace/MySensors/hal/transport/PJON/driver/PJONDefines.h:207

Please see #1520

Thx and br


virtual-maker commented 1 year ago

@Tico06 Hi Eric, it looks like PR #1488 has also joined the Toll Gate club. @AdamSlowik has tried some remedial measures, but so far without success. You can read our guesses about the reason in the comments.

Anyone with an idea what to try next?

virtual-maker commented 1 year ago

In the .ci folder there is a script which looks like the one which runs on Jenkins for Toll gate (STM32F1 - Tests): arduino.groovy#L187

May be the sub function parseWarnings() in this script needs an update?

Tico06 commented 1 year ago

Hi There, What about revert .ci back and check if one of the commits in the dir may generated this issue ? thx and br Eric.

virtual-maker commented 1 year ago

Hi There, What about revert .ci back and check if one of the commits in the dir may generated this issue ? thx and br Eric.

@Tico06 Hi Eric, Meanwhile I think the best solution is to fix the issue in the PJON driver file and leave the .ci scripts as they are. I have created an issue #1527 and PR #1528 to fix this.

Now I need to convince @mfalkvidd to merge the PR #1528.

I'm quite sure that the fix is Ok, because the issue is already fixed in the latest PJON repo. And my fix is doing the same.

@gryzli133 It would be very nice and helpful if you could check the fix from PR #1528. Obviously you are using the PJON transport layer in your project. I'm sure your feedback will convince @mfalkvidd even more to merge PR #1528 into development.

BR Immo

Tico06 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @virtual-maker to support !

How should I proceed ? copy/paste your update in my fork and commit ? Or a nicer way exist ?

thx and br


virtual-maker commented 1 year ago

How should I proceed ? copy/paste your update in my fork and commit ? Or a nicer way exist ?

@Tico06 It would be nice, if you could give a comment in PR #1528 about Mikael's and my comment and how you see it to proceed.

virtual-maker commented 1 year ago

@Tico06 @gryzli133 @AdamSlowik Ok, Mikael has merged PR #1528 - thank you @mfalkvidd :-)

Now you should rebase your PRs to latest mysensors/development. This will trigger the Toll gate again for your PR and we have to wait for the results.