mysensors / MySensors

MySensors library and examples
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Bug fix for GPIO under recent Linux kernel versions #1562

Open romaricr opened 3 months ago

romaricr commented 3 months ago

Slight update of MySensors using libgpiod instead of all standard sysfs to map interrupts.

romaricr commented 3 months ago

Tested on my Raspberry PI / NRF24 gateway and working fine (with around 10 devices). Not tested on any other platform.

mfalkvidd commented 3 months ago

Nice work, thanks!

Attaching the restyling that the butler requests: restyling.patch

Will add further comments shortly.

romaricr commented 3 months ago

Styles and minor updates done. For libgpiod, it has been there for a while. The release notes says 6 years. About the potential dependency, you are right. It might require a sudo apt-get install libgpiod-dev to build and sudo apt-get install libgpiod to run. I have not tested what it looks like on a genuine installation.

For the documentation, sorry for my question but, how do I do that ?

mfalkvidd commented 3 months ago

Excellent, thanks!

6 years should be good enough, imo.

The documentation is not under version control unfortunately but I can add it to

romaricr commented 3 months ago

Thank you to the reviewers. I have seen some of the errors but I'm really not sure how to fix them ... Anyone could help ?