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The HexaBus Project: An IPv6-based home automation bus. We develop both hard- and software for the future of home automation.
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Hexaupload - "Failed to stop state machine - aborting" #233

Closed exe99 closed 10 years ago

exe99 commented 10 years ago


i am trying to set up my Hexabus Hardware (USB stick directly on PC + Hexabus Plug) Everything goes well.

Now i am trying to send a "Hello_World" Programm to my Hexabus Plug. "Hexaupload -i fe80::50:c4ff:fe04:8317 -p example_lamp_a.hbs"

after few seconds it says:

"Uploading Programm, size=1600 TTT Failed to stop state machine - aborting."

Someone knows how to fix this problem? Thank you very much for every help

ghost commented 10 years ago

You'll have to set up an environment with proper routable addresses as described in and then use the routable address of the device for upload. Link-local addresses don't work for state machine transfer.

exe99 commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much for your help and i will try it out. I have one more question, while i am looking to your page.

At the moment i am using a Ubuntu PC with my Hexabus USB Stick. And on your link it is always talking about Debian. Should i switch to debian. Maybe this is my problem too?

ghost commented 10 years ago

Ubuntu and Debian behave pretty much the same as far as Hexabus stuff goes, just be sure to disable NetworkManager, ModemManger and whatever else Ubuntu wants to start on the Hexabus USB stick.

exe99 commented 10 years ago

I have tried it out as u said and i did it with the routable addressing. But it won't still work for me.... Do u have more ideas which could help me out in my case?

ghost commented 10 years ago

How old is your device?

exe99 commented 10 years ago

It is fairly new. I ordered it last week.

I use a PC with Ubuntu 12.04 installed (i also tried it with Ubuntu 13.10) The USB Stick is connected to it and it succeeded to ping to the Hexabus Plug.

The Basic Tools are also installed (Hexaupload etc.) and working.

And i really don't know how to fix my problem, and i followed the beginning tutorials

ghost commented 10 years ago

Ordered where? Possibly the firmware on your device is a bit older and doesn't support state machine upload via command line tools yet.

exe99 commented 10 years ago

I think my problem is still the routable adresse, which was your fist idea. First i thought i tried it right out with your hint. Could you explain how i write my ipv6 adresse right? I mean in the /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/radvd.conf It would be really grateful

My USB Stick has the address fe80::50:c4ff:fe04:0228 and my USB Plug fe80::50:c4ff:fe04:8317. And in the example file on the site, it says something like fd::01:1::/64, fd::01:1::abcd etc. But i don't really understand this syntax I tried to look it up on the internet, about the right syntax but i couldn't find anything and i am not really fit in this issue :/

exe99 commented 10 years ago

Is the Open WRT needed in order to send "Hello World" from the stick to the plug. Right now the stick is connected with a computer.

ghost commented 10 years ago

No, a debian-ish machine alone is enough. If the USB stick is connected to your machine and you have followed the "Setup on a Debian machine" part of the guide, you should be able to ping your Hexabus devices at fd01:1::, where your Hexabus devices have their address fe80:: printed on the back of each device. fd01:1:: is also what you want to use for state machine upload.

exe99 commented 10 years ago

I did as u said and its working, i can ping the devices with fd01:1:: etc, but uploading the program still doesn't work. So you think its an old firmware? i checked if a boot loader is installed. And it is.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Then your firmware is most likely too old to support statemachine upload like this. The bootloader is, unfortunately, very unreliable, so upgrading your firmware without a programming adapter might be hard.

exe99 commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot, i flashed a new firmware and now its working fine!